Chapter Twenty Eight: Ji-Hyun

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"Hey, Ji-Hyun!" His friend called from across the room. The brunette turned to the call of his name and saw a short male student coming towards him with a large smile. The boy had an American accent with blue dyed hair and dimples one one cheek. He had large eyes and his overly large middle school uniform drowned his small frame.

"Are you getting lunch or not?" His other friend asked. This time the male was taller and had a broken Japanese accent. He had dark brown hair and a light skin tone with small eyes that made him look very handsome. His middle school uniform fit nicely on him.

"Don't got any money." Ji-Hyun said and buried his head in his arms.

"Don't worry about that!" The blue haired boy said. "I'll pay!"

"Then let's go."

The three males made their way down the hall and met up with two more friends along the way. One was an average height boy with ash gray hair and the other had wavy bright orange locks. They walked down the school's hallway and had some looks thrown at them. Some of jealousy, some of desire, some of fear, and some of hatred. Besides the occasional winks they would give to a few, the five ignored them of course.

They waited in line at the little bread shop on the school's bottom level and chatted amongst themselves to catch up on what they missed over summer break. They had just gotten into eighth grade so now they were the eldest students in the school.

Ji-Hyun didn't care about what his friends were talking about, probably gossiping about one of the girls in their grade, so he zoned out and scanned the hallway for one person in particular. His eyes lit up once he saw a small boy who wore a white and mint green striped long sleeved shirt (even though it was eighty degrees outside) and boxy glasses. He had brown hair that covered his forehead and his dark almond eyes. He wore white shorts with timberlands that he dragged as he walked with his head down and eyes glaring at the tiled floor. He had a black backpack that was twice his size with the G Dragon symbol in bright red on the back pocket. He clutched his textbooks to his chest and held his breath as he walked past the loud group of males.

"Hey Jeon!" The boy with the orange hair called and Jeongguk stopped in his tracks and cursed under his breath. The orange, blue and ash gray haired males snickered as they walked over to the smaller boy who was shaking in his boots. "How was your summer?"

Jeongguk didn't answer and the eyes of the blue haired male darkened. "Answer him." He said and when the younger didn't respond, he knocked his books from his hands.

Ji-Hyun was quick to think on his feet. "Guys, the line is moving."

"Save us a spot." The ash gray male said and Ji-Hyun sighed.

"No. I didn't even want any bread and I'm not waiting in this line just for you assholes to get your food." He said. "Wait by yourself."

The three groaned and turned away from the smaller boy as they headed back to their spot in line. Ji-Hyun sighed in relief as he watched Jeongguk escape and speed walk down the hall.


It was in the sixth grade when Ji-Hyun accidentally asked if Jeongguk was gay. They were so young at the time and Ji-Hyun's own feelings were confusing him. He had started to look at his friend differently than he had the previous year and it was scaring him. He was always taught that a boy could never like a boy the same way they liked girls so his emotions were terrifying him. His parents were homophobic so he couldn't go to them for advice unless he wanted to be sent away to boarding school.

All he wanted was to know if Jeongguk felt the same way but his words got jumbled and he asked the wrong question. They were sitting at their usual lunch table and Ji-Hyun might have said his comment a little too loudly because the entire cafeteria turned quiet and stared at Jeongguk.

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