Chapter Eighteen: Fist Fights

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It was the Monday after the snow storm and Jeongguk was once again dragged out of the overly comfortable bed by his mother. The weekend had tired him down from babysitting Taehyung (if you want to call it that) to merely escaping death (aka Namjoon).

He had left their cozy apartment with an earful of threats from Namjoon and nearly, if it wasn't for Jin, with a black eye. Jin, of course, had no clue why his beloved boyfriend, a teacher, was this close to punching his student in the face.

Namjoon had held him up by the collar and stared him down with death glares while Jin was trying to pry him off. After Jin threatened him with having to go a whole month without his kisses, Namjoon reluctantly let go of the younger.

Jeongguk, though, had to dig his car out of the snow by himself with no shovel in exchange for not telling Jin what had happened. As soon as it was out, he drove away and into the arms of a worried mother and furious father.

His parents had no idea of the babysitting and had just thought that Jeongguk was sleeping over at Yoongi or Hoseok's house like he normally does. They wouldn't have worried as much if it wasn't for the snow storm and the fact that neither of his friends had a clue where he was. He wasn't even answering his phone, being too distracted by Taehyung's silky smooth skin and painful erection.

The second he stepped foot in his house, he was tackled by his frantic mother who had fat tears rolling down her cheeks, sobbing out things like, "I thought you got kidnapped" or "You idiot, I thought you got beat up".

Jeongguk, laughing at his mother's adorable fumble of words, hugged her back and repeated over and over that he was okay. Once he caught his father's eye, his smile disappeared.

"Jeongguk," He said and ran a hand through his hair. "Where the fuck were you? Do you know how worried your mother was?" He said with a wave of his hand.

"Well, I'm here now aren't I?" He said with a roll of his eyes. "It's not like you would have cared."

His mother, who was still caged in between his arms, smacked his back and told him to have some "manners". Whatever that was.

The Saturday morning ended with another argument between the father and son. Now it was Monday morning and Jeongguk had to go back to school and face a murderous Namjoon and possibly confront one of his past demons. He could just stay home or skip if it wasn't for his mother taking away his keys and driving him to school. The two ended up arriving late because she had taken thirty minutes to get her makeup on contrary to the distaste of Jeongguk who kept telling her she looked perfect without it. Now they were in the car and driving to hell- I mean school.

"Hey mom?" Jeongguk asked from the passenger seat. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, honey." She said as she backed the car out of the driveway, careful not to hit the mailbox or the piles of snow. "What's up?"

"Well, since you're the school's director and everything," He started. "Could you possibly have information on a student?"

"Well of course Guk." She said and drove down the street with her perfectly pink manicured nails. "That is my job after all."

Jeongguk nodded and stared out the window in thought. "Okay, well do you know a kid by the name of L-Lee Ji-Hyun?"

"The transfer?" She asked and Jeongguk nodded once more. "Yeah, I know him. A troublemaker. Got expelled for pulling the fire alarm for fun. He came from your old school, you know?"

He gulped. "Yeah, I know."

"Why do you ask? Do you know him?" She asked and glanced at an eerily calm Jeongguk.

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