Chapter Twenty Five: Missing

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"But it's-"

"I don't care!"



Jeongguk let out a frustrated groan before slumping into his seat. The two have been bickering for the past ten minutes about Taehyung's new "caretaker" and they both stand on opposite ends. They both dislike the idea of Ji-Hyun being around Tae but they have a different way of approaching it.

On one hand, Namjoon doesn't think it's that big of a deal. Yeah Ji-Hyun is a bad kid but so was Jeongguk. He doesn't like the idea of him influencing Tae but it's not like he could do much. The only time they see each other is at school and under adult supervision. He had mixed feelings about Jeongguk as well (though he still does) but he turned out okay (kinda). Namjoon wants to give the kid a chance, maybe he could change like Jeongguk had. In all honesty, he thinks it's better to have Ji-Hyun around. It's not like he doesn't want Jeongguk around (though he doesn't), it's to help Taehyung grow.

See, Taehyung has had the same ten-ish people in his life and has always been afraid of strangers. Yes it's mainly part of his disorder but he needs to learn. He needs to grow emotionally and if it has to be through Ji-Hyun then so be it. Taehyung needs to understand that not everyone is nice and kind and needs to learn how to deal with new people.

So yes, Namjoon thinks the situation is under control.

On the other had, Jeongguk is freaking the fuck out.

Of course Namjoon doesn't understand how dangerous Ji-Hyun is; he hasn't been through what Jeongguk has. Namjoon hasn't witnessed or felt the emotional, mental and physical torture he had to put up with for four years. He hasn't seen the scars on his wrists, the days he's spent bawling his eyes out in bed, or the black eyes, fractured arm, broken leg and rib. Of course Namjoon doesn't understand.

Ji-Hyun may seem to be all talk but that's just how he is. He's a devil in disguise of a coward. Yeah he doesn't seem like a threat now but watch him in a few days. He seems like a cocky, ignorant rich jackass but give him a week and he'll be your worst nightmare. Nevermind about what about the devil, he's worse.

"Namjoon." Jeongguk pleaded. "Please, just let me check up on him! You don't know what he's like! He could hurt Tae!"

"Jeongguk, everything is fine!" Namjoon said. "Jin is there with them; he can't lay a hand on him without someone seeing him. Besides, he's just a delinquent, it's not like you were any better. Jin would never let anything happen to Taehyung under his watch."


"No buts!" He said. "Now open up to page sixteen and translate the english into korean."


"Now Jeongguk. That's an order."


Taehyung's Focus

Taehyung was in his favorite spot in the entire classroom, the reading corner. It was where Taehyung finally befriended Jeongguk after a week of tug of rope and where the two had their first kiss. He was snuggled up with a book in his lap and Gukkie the bunny at his side while Tigger was on the other. He was wearing a large pastel blue shirt with the words "JINNIE'S BOY" in bold white letters (Jin's personal design) across the top. It reached his upper thigh and was just a bit longer than his hands. He was reading The Little Mermaid and eagerly waited for Jeongguk as he watched the clock.

He was late.

Taehyung sighed and put the book down as he laid down on the fluffy pillows that surrounded him. Beside the shirt, he had on jean shorts and white vans with his outgrown hair in a little ponytail on top of his head. His hair was newly dyed black (because Jin thought it would look good on him) and he really wanted to show Jeongguk. Taehyung was a little self conscious about it since it was longer than what is normally accepted for a boy. It was in a mullet style and he had already gotten some sneers and weird looks from people. He liked his hair, it was soft and fluffy but everyone's comments about it made him think otherwise. He needed Jeongguk to reassure him by running his fingers through his hair as they cuddled. Taehyung really, really wanted that.

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