Chapter Thirty Six: Yes

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Namjoon panted as he collapsed next to an equally out of breath Jin. Namjoon sighed and chuckled before wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's naked torso and kissing his cheeks.

"Cut it out!" Jin said with a giggle as Namjoon kept kissing his face. Namjoon smiled and sighed as he watched the moonlight hit Jin's face beautifully through the slightly open curtains.

"Hey, Jin?" He said suddenly and the other responded with a hum. "I love you." And so he returned to attacking Jin with kisses.

"Alright, alright!" He said as he laughed. "I get it you big oaf!"

"Just thought I'd make it clear." Namjoon said with a smile. The two were laying side by side in the comfort of their bed in the middle of the night. Their hands were intertwined between them and legs hugging underneath the covers. They were facing each other and eyes met before kissing once more.

Namjoon sighed as he traced Jin's features with his finger. He felt so grateful to have this beautiful angel laying beside him and he knows he wants to spend the rest of his life together with him. He's already asked the question, he just needs his answer now.

"Jin?" He asked. "Can you answer me now?"

Jin sighed as he played with the engagement band around Namjoon's ring finger. "I don't know."

"Why?" Namjoon asked softly.

"I just-" He said. "I'm just scared."

"Of what?"

"Well, you know, the wedding. Everyone who gets married has one. And if there's a wedding then there has to be guests." He said. "I know your family was fine with you being gay but mine shut me out completely. I lost all my friends when they found out and in all honesty, you and Tae are the only people I hang out with. I don't want to embarrass myself in front of all your friends and family. That'd just be traumatizing."

"Babe," Namjoon said. "We don't have to have a wedding at all. We could just get married in secret with Tae as our witness. We don't have to have a huge wedding or one at all. That's not the reason I asked you. I just want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Honest?" Jin asked and raised his pinky finger.

"Honest." Namjoon replied and wrapped his own finger around Jin's.

Jin smiled and kissed Namjoon's cheek before hovering over him. "My turn."


It was the morning after that Taehyung finally met Jeon Seoyun, Jeongguk's mother. She had come home late that night since work decided to keep her until one in the morning. Nonetheless, she was awake at eight in the morning and saw her son and his boyfriend cuddled up on the couch. She couldn't stop squealing and nearly woke the two if it wasn't for her husband who dragged her away.

When Jeongguk woke up he got an earful of scolding but it wasn't from his father. Seoyun was scolding Jeongguk for not bringing a bigger blanket for him and Taehyung and how they shouldn't have even slept on the couch. If they wanted to cuddle, they should have done it on his bed. Jeongguk nearly fell off the cushions.

He didn't wake Taehyung up and Seoyun had forced Jeongguk to carry the younger bridal style to his bedroom where he could sleep better. Now the family of three were having a simple breakfast in the dining room and waiting for their guest to wake.

It was an hour after when Taehyung finally stumbled into the living room where the others were watching TV. He was only in his boxers and a large T-shirt he borrowed from Jeongguk. He had one hand around a pillow and the other rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"M-Morning." He said with a soft yawn.

Jeongguk smiled at him and got up from his seat beside his mother to go kiss his boyfriend. "Good morning, Tae." His mother coughed and Jeongguk rolled his eyes before turning towards his parents. "Tae, this is my mom. Mom, this is Taehyung, my boyfriend."

"Nice to meet you, Tae." She said with a smile. She was about to hug the younger boy but Taehyung flinched and hid behind Jeongguk.

"It's nothing personal, mom." Jeongguk said. "Tae's just shy."

She nodded with a pout and was about to approach the boy again when he ran to Minho. "G-Good morn-morning Mi-Min!" He said and hugged the elder man with a wide boxy smile. Seoyun's mouth dropped.

"Morning Tae." Minho said and mouthed a "sorry" to his wife.

"Let's go brush your teeth." Jeongguk said with a chuckle and dragged Taehyung to the bathroom.

Once the two were out of the room, Seoyun whined, "That's not fair! Why does he like you and not me?!"

"We played games last night, that's why." He said calmly. "Don't worry hon, he'll warm up to you. You just gotta find something he likes and do it with him."

"Okay." She grumbled, still pouting.


"How are you feeling, baby?" Jeongguk asked as he applied toothpaste on Taehyung's toothbrush.

"'M ti-tired." The younger man mumbled as he leaned against Jeongguk's chest.

"Well, that better change if you wanna play video games." Jeongguk said and Taehyung's eyes lit up.

"Ga-Game?" He asked and the elder smiled and nodded.

Taehyung nearly sprinted out of the bathroom once he was done. He jumped on Jeongguk's bed and was super excited to play video games. He never got to since Seoyun interrupted them.

"May I borrow Taehyung for a while?" She asked and her son looked at her suspiciously.


"I wanna have some bonding time with my son's boyfriend." She said defensively.

"Where are you taking him?"


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