Chapter Thirty Seven: Mending Relationships

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"Someone's at the door for you!"


As Yoongi went downstairs they stopped mid-step once they saw who was waiting. Hoseok looked up and gave the elder a soft smile only for them to run back upstairs.

"Min Yoongi!" Their mother called. "Come back here!"

"It's alright Ms. Min." Hoseok said. "Would you mind if I went upstairs?"

"Of course not. Go ahead."

Hoseok quickly thanked her before going upstairs and knocking on Yoongi's door. "Yoongi? Can we please just talk?"

"Fuck off!" Yoongi screamed through the door.

Hoseok sighed before he kept going. "Listen, I know I was a major asshole for talking to you like that and you have every right to be mad at me but I wanna apologize. I should have never jumped to conclusions and even if it did turn up like that, I should have never yelled at you the way I did. It was wrong of me to do that."

Silence was his reply.

"You're my best friend, Yoons, and I know I hurt you badly but I never meant to. I never know you felt that way and I'm sorry I was a blind idiot." He said and sat on the floor. "I care about you. A lot. I really do and I seriously can't believe I even raised my voice at you. You've been there for me since the beginning and for me to accuse you of such a thing is terrible of me. But you have to understand I said that in the best of the moment. You know I didn't mean it but that's no excuse."

Again, silence.

"I was just mad, okay? Not at you or Jimin, but at myself. I know Jimin doesn't like me but I still chased after him. In all honesty I didn't like him that much. Okay, that was a lie. I did like him but it was only puppy love. I lashed my anger out on you because you managed to become friends with him when I just had an awkward relationship with him." Hoseok rambled. He was sitting beside the door with his legs brought up and hands on his knees. "I don't even know what I'm saying anymore but I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. Really, I swear. You mean too much to me to do that. I'm sorry I never saw your feelings. I'm not great at that, as you can see, but I like you too. I just didn't realize it sooner. I'm dumb and blind and a total jackass." Not a noise was heard from the other side of the door. "If you're still mad at me, I understand and I deserve it. If you want me to leave you alone for good, I'll do it. If you want to scream and hit me, I'll take it. Just say something. Please."

After another minute of dreadful silence, Hoseok got up with a sigh. He was about to leave when he heard the door open behind him.

"Look." Yoongi said. "I'm going to need some time, but I forgive you. What you said really hurt so if you really care about me you'll wait."

"I will I promise-"

"I'm not finished." They interrupted. "You said you liked me back but you're going to have to prove that to me. I'm not going to be your rebound."

"I understand." Hoseok said with a soft smile. "So... Friends? For now?"

"Friends." Yoongi confirmed with a smile of their own. "For now."


Jimin was supposed to be studying but instead he was giggling at his phone with the person he's been talking to since three in the morning. He's couldn't sleep the night before, too stressed with the upcoming exams but he found that talking with Ji-Hyun eased his anxiety. The elder boy was just so easy going and fun to talk to. The two had so many things in common that there wasn't a dull moment.

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