Chapter Fourteen: Haunting Past

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It was a normal morning for Jeon Jeongguk. He woke up to the sound of his annoying ass alarm clock that he had to throw across the room for it to shut the fuck up. He brushed his teeth and styled his hair with a pound of hair gel before going downstairs to eat breakfast made by his beloved mother and avoided eye contact with his father.

He kissed his mother's forehead and muttered a quick "goodbye" before secretly stealing his father's keys. His own car was in shop when he "accidentally" attacked Min-Jin's mailbox with it. He knew his father would be furious when he found out he stole his car, but oh well. That's for future Jeongguk to deal with. Present Jeongguk didn't want to walk to school.

He arrived to school at a normal time, five seconds before the late bell rang. He sat at his normal seat in math and pouted and the reminder that he was again sitting alone. His normal, boring as fuck math class went on like usual but was interrupted with a knock on the door.

Mr. Thomas answered the door with a grumpy expression but was soon switched to a happy one once he saw it was Mr. Wang. "Hello Mr. Wang!" He said with fake cheeriness that it made the class cringe. "What can I do for you today?"

"I have a new transfer student today." He said and the class immediately looked at the tall, handsome figure walking into the room. Everyone was mesmerized by the students good looks. Well everyone but Jeongguk, he was too intrigued with the random stain that had somehow gotten on the ceiling.

The student introduced himself and Mr. Wang left him in the hands of the math teacher before walking out. Mr. Thomas assigned him the empty seat next to Jeongguk and the male staked over.

Jeongguk moved his gaze to the transferee and his eyes widened as his jaw dropped. He froze in place and stiffened as the elder opened his mouth.

"Nice to see you again," He said with a devilish smirk. "Jeonggukie."

Well fuck.


Jeongguk sat there, petrified as old freshmen memories rushed to his vision.

Jeongguk was on the ground curled up in a ball holding his knees behind the school and currently being kicked the shit out of. His normal group of bullies surrounding him with their venomous ring leader, Ji-Hyun.

"Alright enough." He said and the group of thugs parted so he could get a good look at the younger.

Jeongguk was shaking in fear and cowered back until he hit the red brick wall behind him. He had a busted lip, black eye, bruises on his arms and chest and probably a broken wrist and leg. Ji-Hyun stalked towards Jeongguk, who was on the verge of tears, and pulled a knife out.

"Okay Jeonggukie~" He sang and dragged the tip of the knife up his chest and near his neck. He smirked when he saw the younger shift away from the cold touch of the metal. "I've been pretty annoyed lately and your cute little face just pisses me off even more. " Ji-Hyun grabbed a fistful of Jeongguk's long black hair and forcefully made him look up. "Let's change that, shall we f*g?"

"I-I'm n-not ga-" Jeongguk tried to defend himself but was cut off with a slap.

"Shut the fuck up." He spit. "I'm talking."

Jeongguk gulped and nodded his head ever so slightly. Ji-Hyun grinned at the submission and brought the knife up to Jeongguk's cheek and dragged it across creating a cut that will surely leave a scar. Jeongguk yelped in pain and cupped his injured skin as tears brimmed his eyes.

"Alright." Ji-Hyun said and stepped back from the broken boy. "Have at it."

And so the rest of the group continued to beat the weeping boy until he couldn't stand. They left him laying there and Jeongguk didn't even have the will power to raise his head. The school day ended and none of the teachers even noticed Jeongguk was missing. The sky was now shades of pink and orange and the school busses have already left. His mother and father won't be home until late at night so they won't notice that their child hadn't come home until later.

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