Part 13

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(The halloween does not connect with these 👿 I'm lost and confused did I use this photo? Nah? Or yah? Idk ima keep it there.)

After dinner we head home. The kids nocked out cold. Food coma. I smiled and carried them inside to their room. Placing them down and tucked them in. I smiled and ran my fingers in Liz's hair. "Why are you home so late?" I hear a voice ask me. "I was out with the kids. I thought dad told you, mom?" I turned to her seeing crossed arms "is that so?" I nod "then why did I get a call from your sister saying you hurt her?" She asked sternly. I looked at her in shock "what?? I didn't lay a finger on her. She's probably making things up because she wanted my husband for herself yet she couldn't have him." I said. She rolled her eyes. "Your sister never lies" "the hell she does" my mother turned and motioned someone inside. I see my sister, with A black eye. Blood coming out her nose. Her eyes puffy from crying.
"I— what happened?!" "You. That's what had happened." My mother said my sister stayed silent. "i didn't do shit." I looked at the kids which Michael woke up. I mouthed him a sorry and go back to sleep. He nods and closed his eyes. I pushed my mom and my sister out the room and closed the door "mom i would never hurt her!" I yelled "yeah you may say that but let's talk about your ex hm? You said you wouldn't hurt them either yet where are they now?? Oh right 6 feet under the ground y/n." "It was out of anger!! God don't be a hypocrite. You act like you didn't try to kill me when you got mad." She rolled her eyes "you deserve to die."
"Wow how nice mom" "god dammit I wish your father didn't stop me when I tried!" My mother shouted. I stood there. Just full of anger. My blood boiling yet still kinda sad. Just remembering that day

(Warning mild child abuse I think, needles, and yelling. This is based on true events.)

I felt a hand grabbed my hair. Pulling it. I cried and yelled for help. Looking at my dad to help me. Yelling for my mom to stop. She picked me up by my hair and threw me against the wall hard. I yelled in pain. I kept apologizing while Choking on my tears. He just stood there. He didn't help me. My mother shouting at me. Just because I didn't do one little thing. I kept apologizing choking on my tears. She ran out the room and came back. I remember my eyes widening. I yelled "please Don't hurt me! I'm sorry!" She came at me. She wanted to kill me. My dad grabbed her. I was shaking on the ground crying and apologizing. "I'm sorry im sorry." Kept going. My father took the needle out her hand. So She couldn't kill me with it. She grabbed me and slapped me as hard as she can. I continued crying. "Are you done!?" She shouted. I couldn't muster up anything but "im sorry." She got fed up and dragged me to the closet. She locked me inside. I banged on the door wanting to get out. I always hated the darkness as a kid. I yelled and yelled yet no one helped. I sat there. Hearing arguing outside the door. "It was just a punishment stop being dramatic d/n!" "Yeah that almost killed her!" "You didn't try to help her so why get mad at me?!" "Damnit m/n don't you see what you have done?!" I covered my ears and sobbed. I was only 7.


wanted to cry but my eyes were to dry to even drop a single tear. I just stood there. My hands balled up into a fist "You know what mom? I'm fucking done. I was staying here for you but seeing how you're treating me I'll just leave." She stopped she opened her mouth but nothing came out. "B-Baby I'm sorry i didn't mean a wor—" "save it mom. I can tell I'm not wanted here." I smiled "oh and sis. Go fuck yourself." And walked off to my room. William sitting there. I guess he heard everything. I sat down next to him laying my head on his shoulder "what happened to your ex?" William asked. I stayed silent. "Did you kill him?" He sounded more intrigued then scared. I mean why would he be? He kills people for a god damn living. I sighed "yeah. But he fucking deserved it." I mumbled. "Tell me how did you do it?" "Stabbed him of course. I'm not going into full detail—" "but I want the full details" I sighed and I grabbed my knife from my bra and handed it to him "this was the same knife I killed him with. Sliced his neck in half. I don't fully remember it. It was out of anger. I just saw red when I came home with him with a woman in our bed.. Do I regret it? No. He was abusive and a cheating bastard." He looks at the knife then me. He puts my knife back in my hands and opens it. He moved my hand to his neck. The blade right against his skin. I raised an eyebrow looking at him. He blushes a bit. Knife kink? Maybe. I move my hand out the way with my knife closing it and putting it back where it was. It was silent for a bit. William lay his head on my shoulder. We stayed there a bit. It was.. calming. Then of course it had to end. I hear a thud and arguing outside the room. I sighed and got up to see what the fuck is going on. I opened the door to see my parents arguing of course. "She doesn't Fucking love me!" My mothers words slurred "Of course she does m/n she just got heated in the moment!" "Bullshit if she loved me she wouldn't leave me again!" "It's your fault m/n! You said you wished you killed her! How do you think she'll react?!" Silence. I walked to the kitchen to see them. "You're right it's my fault I'm a terrible mother.. ima just fucking end it!" She opened the cabinet and grabbed a knife putting it on her neck. I ran to her and snatched the knife away from her "WHAT THE FUCK MOM?" She was sobbing. She grabbed me and hugged me "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" She sobbed. I put the knife down and held her close. I felt my eyes water. It stings. My tears started falling down. "Please don't do that again." I said. "Please don't leave me." I mumbled. I feel like I'm a kid again. I remember the first time I said that.

Vampire!Willaim afton x Reader 👾Where stories live. Discover now