Chapter 22

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(ANOTHER FRIEND OF MINE FOUND ME.. HELP MEEE this whole page now reading it y/n is just giving attitude to everyone. My bad)

Waking up was the same. I stayed silent trying to avoid William the best I can. I really wasnt in the mood to speak to him..
What does he know about relaxing?? He almost hit me!!
I grabbed the sponged tightly and wash the dishes as the kids play with their toys. I felt arms wrap around my waist. I didn't react. I just continued to scrub the plates. I see a hand come on to mine as I scrubbed the plates clean. "Not to roughly my darling.. you're going to scratch the plates." I then felt soft kisses cheek and Even though I wanted to be mad I couldn't help but smile softly from his actions. "Made you smile~" "shut up." He chuckles and lays his head on my shoulder. I sighed happily. Scrubbing all the plates clean. He then began kissing my neck making me freeze for a moment. "You hungry?" I asked which he nods. I placed the plate gently down in the sink. My hands resting on the sinks edge.. "what am I going to do with you?" "I don't know. Feed me?" I glared at him and sighed "maybe later? I feel exhausted." He grumbled "just a small bite..~" he kissed my neck softly.. I sighed and turned around to fully face him. My arm crossed above my chest. I then mumbled "Fine just a small one." He grins and grabs my arm dragging me to our bedroom. Pushing me down on the bed pinning me down. I whimpered from the sudden movement. He bites down my neck like he has been starved for years. I shut my eyes tightly as I feel myself get drained. I Pat his head trying to speak. He pulled away from my neck licking the blood off my neck and his lips. I whimpered "you said a little.." I mumbled. He chuckles "I know.. but i was so hungry!" I tried to sit up but he pins me back down "I'm not done." He whispered in my ear. I shivered slightly and pushed him off. "Sorry just.. not now." I get up and walked right out the room. I need fresh air.. I then gagged. I feel sick.. I ran to the bathroom and began to puke.. the pressure dropping blood from my lips.

Williams pov.
I sat there on our bed.. hungry.. starved.. alone... what is up with her..? Placing my hand on my chest. Where she had pushed me.. I then hear her run to the bathroom and cries. I got up and walked toward the bathroom. "Oh my darling.." I see her body shake as her tears fall to the ground. I get close to her shaking body. My eyes then widen. "Darling.." my hand touches her shoulder.. freezing.. she looks so pale. "We need to get you to the hospital.. now." I get up and grabbed her arm pulling her up. She was limp. "No.. I'm fine.." she mumbled. "You just puked blood!! I'm not even going to argue with you! We're going.." I drag her out the bathroom grabbing my keys and dragged her down the stairs "Michael you're in charge.. I have to deal with your mother." She tried to pull out my grasp but before she could we were already out the out the house.. I opened the car and shoved her in. "I'm fine William!" She shouted. I ignored. I get in the car and locked the doors not letting her out as I started the car.


Y/ns pov
I grumbled as I was sat on the white uncomfortable bed. "I told you I was fine." William looked at me and pointed at the bucket That was full of my vomit and blood "does that look fine?!" He shouted. I crossed my arms and smirked "yeah." He glared at me and was about to say something till the doctor came in. William grumbled and sat back. "Mrs Afton, am I correct?" I nod. "I'm sorry my husband is just really concerned and—" the doctor hushed me. I was about to snap but i calmed down. "Well we have some good news and bad news.." the doctor said in a calm matter. "Is it death?" I asked which William got up and slapped the back of my head. I yelped "hey—!" "Let the doctor speak." I huffed and looked back at the doctor. "Well Mrs Afton. You're pregnant." (HAH IM KIDDING now back to this) "you're just fine well I wouldn't say that fully. You may seem fine but the amount of blood in your body seems to be draining to the point you can't function right. And this vomiting of the blood doesn't help you at all." William held my hand. "So am I going to die?" He then slapped the back of my head again. "It's a 50/50 chance you may or may not. The amount of blood you're loosing is unhealthy.. I'll put you on some medication to help this vomiting." Then he walked out. I sighed "I thought it was a "you're pregnant" talk or something." I say obviously joking, William stayed silent. I looked at him and laid my head on his arm. "I'll be fine.. don't worry.." I smiled to reassure him I'll be fine.. "mi amor? Estas bien.?" I asked softly. He stayed silent. His eyes dull. Like I don't even know who he is anymore.. "what's wrong my darling." I asked. "Where are those beautiful eyes that light up whenever they look at me.. oh mi amor whats wrong?" I see his eyes look at me. "I don't want to loose you.." he mumbled.. I frowned and hold his arm. "You're not going to loose me my dear.. I'll always be with you." I say with a soft smile. "My darling.. the thought of losing you.. you not in my arms hurt me... hurt me. So so much.." I sighed. He cups my face and holds it in his hands. "If there was only a way to... keep you here.. alive with me forever." I smiled softly and placed my hand on his cheek. "I don't know what I would do without you.." he mumbles last bit. "If I do die I'll never be away from you.. I'll always be here.." I put my hand on his chest "in reach of your heart."   He smiles slightly and held me close. The doctor came in with a bottle of pills. "This will help your vomiting and k would rather keep it safe so I want you to stay here for a few nights. To run some tests on you." I felt Williams hold get tighter. "But I have work and I can't keep missing days." The doctor shook his head "I'm sorry mrs afton but you can't go when you're in this condition." I huffed "I'm just fine look." I got out of Williams grasp and stand up. "Seee" I walk around a bit then stumble over my feet. William grabbed me by my waist "you clearly aren't fine mrs afton." I huffed "I'm just fine!" The doctor sighed and decided not to fight with me "fine. You're free to go but Mr. Afton any odd actions or of this vomiting you have to bring her back here." William nods. I scuffed "William just take me home." He sighs and nods.

Vampire!Willaim afton x Reader 👾Where stories live. Discover now