Part 18

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Days became months.

Waiting for a miracle.. just waiting for him to wake up. Fredbears has been closed since the incident. I haven't been able to sleep since. And if I do I'll have him in my head. William tried to get me to sleep but I couldn't. The morning came and I got out of bed going downstairs to cook something. I made pancakes. Pancakes.. I bit my lip. Just trying to hold myself together. William came downstairs and sat at the table. Then liz ran down and sat. I grabbed 2 plates and placed his food on them. I grabbed the plates and placed it in front of them. "Thank you my love." "Yeah thank you mama!"  "You're welcome." I grabbed another plate and filled it up "Michael!" I yelled out. No answer. I sighed. "That boy should get the hell out his room." "William please.. not now." He rolled his eyes and began stuffing his face. I walked up stairs to his room. I knocked on the door. "Michael." I said softly. No answer "mike?" No answer. I began to panic. "Mike?!" I shouted. Fuck the food! I threw it on the floor and began trying to open the door.. it's locked.. FUCK. I began slamming my shoulder to the door. My shoulder bagan souring but it didn't matter. The door soon barged open. My eyes widened and I ran up to the passed out boy "MICHAEL!!" I went on my knees and began shaking him "MIKE WAKE UP PLEASE" I looked to my side to see a medicine bottle "no no.. MIKE.. WILLIAM!" William walked in the room "What's wron—" he stoped in front of the door. Looking at me and Michael. "CALL THE AMBULANCE NOW" I shouted. He nods and ran to the phone "please please don't do this please.." I began to do chest compressions "please wake up!!" I shouted. My eyes watered. I hear the sirens come near.

Fuck!  fuck!  fuck!

I hear running up the stairs. "Mama where here let us do this" they pushed me out the way and then They grabbed Michael and put him on the cot. I was still on the floor. I got up quickly and began following. "LET ME GO WITH HIM PLEASE" "maam plea—" "LET ME FUCKING GO." They soon nod and let me in. I held Michaels hand in mine. "Please please don't die please." I mumbled.

Hours pasts. Becoming 7 pm. I was zoned out. "Mrs. Afton?" I looked up "he's awake" I sat there... looking at her. Blankly. My tears stained on my cheeks. "Michael is awake." I got up "may I see him.?" "Of course." She leads me to a room. I walked in and see him looking at the ceiling. He soon looked at me "mom.?" My heart ached. I soon began crying and ran up to him hugging him tightly. He was hesitant but then began crying and hugged me too. "Why did you do that?!" I cried "I'm sorry" He kept saying "I thought I was going to loose you." I mumbled. I pulled away "why.. why did you do that?" "I... I don't know.. I didn't want to die.. im sorry.." he sobbed. "How did you know.? How did you know I was passed out?" I stayed silent for a bit "I don't know...." I mumbled. "Mrs. Afton, mr. Afton is here" I turned "do you want him here with you?" I turned to Michael. He wanted to say no but said yes anyways. I turned back to the lady and nod. She soon gestured him to come in. He walked in looking at the both of us. "Are your really that fucking selfish?!" He shouted. Michael looked down, biting his lip. "William please stop.." "no I'm so fucking done with that bo—" "WILLIAM! I SAID FUCKING STOP" i shouted. He stopped and crossed his arms. I looked back at Michael. I put my hand on his cheek caressing it softly with my thumb "you're not selfish.." i say. He smiles at me softly. "He's ready to go today" a woman said "alright.."

Michael was home. I laid in my bed looking at the ceiling, William was fast asleep. I couldn't sleep. I got up and put on a sweater. Walking downstairs to the kitchen opening the cabinet. Grabbing a whiskey then Grabbing some shoes putting them on. I unlocked the house and walked out. I just need a walk. Away from everything. I walked down the sidewalk looking at the stars. I sighed and opened the bottle and started drinking it

Williams pov
I moved around the bed "darling.. Didn't I tell you to slee—" when I opened my eyes I jolted up. Where is she. "Love?" I called out. I got out of bed and out some slippers on. I walked downstairs. The cabinets were open. "Darling?" I called out again. Nothing "y/n??" I said a bit louder. Walking around the whole house. Then i looked at the front door. It was unlocked. No.. she wouldn't.. i grabbed my car keys and ran out the house jumping in my car. I started it quickly and started driving out. Why did she go?! Fuck what if something bad happen to her?! Stirring the wheel to the right I kept driving. My thought clogging my brain. I began to speed up. I see someone walking in the distance. They weren't walking straight. I slowed down my car. It's y/n! "Y/n!" She turned her head at me. She had a bottle of whiskey in her hand. "William??" Her words slurred "what *hiccup* what are you doing here?" "I should ask you the same my love." She huffed and began walking again. I drove by her then parked my car to the side. She looked back and gave me a 'are you crazy?!' Look. "What *hiccup* are you doing??" She asked. "I'm walking with you" "you'll leave you're car just to walk with me??" "I'll do anything just to be with you my love." Her face became red but She looked up at the sky.  I looked and saw a bench up ahead. I grabbed her hand "no *hiccups* me toques" she mumbled. I sat her down on the bench. She grumbled but then looked back up at the sky. It was Crescent moon today. I sat down near her and looked at her. She looked at me "why.. are you looking at me??" She asked. "You're just so beautiful.." i say. She began laughing. "You're you're funny!" "That wasn't a joke." Her laughing stoped. "... huh? Wait wait whattt??" She giggled "then you must be blind" she then hiccuped again then chugged more of the Halfway done whiskey. "Oh I wish I was.." i say. "I wish I was blind. But I'm not. You're the most beautiful woman I've every seen!" She looked at me confused then hiccuped. "I dont understand.." she mumbled. "Why.. why do you love me?" She asked while looking into my eyes. "Like i said you're the most beautiful wom—" she stopped me "is beauty all that matters.? Is there Nothing else you love about me.?" I frowned "oh, my dear. You are more than beauty. You're perfect. The way you speak to me. The way you look at me. Even the way you hurt me." She kept her gaze in my eyes. "Just leave.. leave me.." she said. Looking away back to the sky

Vampire!Willaim afton x Reader 👾Where stories live. Discover now