Part 16 😱

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(Dead ass scared because of a friend reading this shit. 😭 thinking about therapy rn 😘)

William looked at me confused. "Why's that?" He asked. I just looked at the ceiling I can't believe he's back! I groaned. "It's nothing" i sat up "ima just get back to work." He frowns "aww but I like your company here" I smiled "well I would love to stay here with you but I have a job to do" I got up and walked up to him. Giving him a quick kiss on the lips "see you later" I say then walked off.

"Hey alice!"

"Oh hey y/n!"

"Sorry for leaving you with him"

"oh no need to apologize! Is he like your ex or something?"

I made a disgusted look "ew no. I never dated him" "soo what did you mean by "you fucked up years ago you think you could get me back?!"" I sighed "it's personal" I say with a small chuckle "ah okay." She then gave a weird look. "Whats wrong?" "If y'all never dated why is he rambling how you were in the past and shit?" I made a disgusted look. "Because he's fucking insane I don't know." I say in a hash tone. Just thinking about him makes my blood boil. I took a quick breath in and out. "Well I have to take more orders so.. see yah around?" She nods with a smile. I walked to a random table to these woman who were chatting. Not even paying attention to their own kids. No wonder why they get kidnapped and killed. I smiled "hello I'm y/n I'll be your waiter today. Do have have something in mind to order?" They turned to me "yes actually we'll take a large pepperoni pizza and some cokes." I wrote what they wanted on my note pad. "Anything else?" They looked at each other and started talking then went back to me. "And a chocolate cake for the birthday girl" "ah It's Someone's birthday?" I asked "yes my daughter Emily." The woman said. I smiled "I'll get these ready for you." Then I walked away to the kitchen. I put the note where it needed to be. "I've never seen you before" I looked up and saw a man "oh uh hey. I never seen you here either." "How rude of me! I'm Charles nice to meet you!" He took his hand out to shake mine. I smiled and took his hand "nice to meet you too Charles. I'm y/n." "That's a very beautiful name!" "Your name is great too." "Well I should get to cooking. See yah around y/n!" I nod "yeah see yah" I walked off. Now next table. I walked to a random table. In the corner of my eye dominic was not there. Good. But Why was he even here?? Just ignore it. "Hello I'm y/n I'll be your waitress today." They looked at me and gave me their order. I nod and told them what I needed to then walked to the kitchen putting the note there. I walked out then I see William in front of me. "Oh hey" he smiles

"hello darling."

"Did you need something??"

"Ah yes, we have someone who wants the job and I'm just asking if you can give them a quick tour"

I smiled "of course whats their name?" "Dominic." I looked at him shocked "dominic??" "Yes? Is there a problem love?" I took a deep breath in and grinned "no there's no problem at all.. they got the job or??" "Just a little tour I have to call Henry so." I frowned "let the man have a break will." He sighed "I know my love but I can't just hire someone without him knowing." I sighed "I guess your right... why don't we wait for Henry to come back??" "We can't keep him waiting for however long Henry's gonna be gone." I groaned

"I guess you're right... I'll give them a tour."

"Thank you dear"

he leans in and gives me a quick kiss

"I love you"

I rolled my eyes and smiled

"I love you too."

He then grabs my hand and leads me to his office. "Dominic this is y/n she'll be showing you around the place" I plastered a fake smile on my face and waved. Dominic looked at my hand noticing the ring. He then look back into my eyes smiled "Hello y/n" "hi. Uh just follow me" I began walking to the main area. Main area.. OH SHIT I turned to dominic  "okay Dominic this is the main area and I'll be right back!!" I ran to the kitchen "Charles!! Do you have the orders ready??" "Oh-! Uh yeah here!! They are both done!" I grabbed both trays. "Alright thanks bye!!" I speed walked to the table "sorry for the wait!" I say "oh no need to apologize you didn't even take that long!" I looked at her confused "I didn't?" "Nope you actually were the most early person. I kinda thought you'll take hours" I smiled "alright well I have the cake and the pizza plus the drinks" I placed them down "thank you!" I nod and began with the other tables. Placing their orders on their tables. I ran up to Dominic. "Okay!" I took a breath in "next area." I began walking back to the office area "this is where mr. Afton and mr. Emily offices well no duh but yeah oh and the security room" he nods. I walked to the back "this is the parts and service room mostly only mechanics will be here" I walked to the kitchen "this is obviously the kitchen, Charles is here actually! Hey Charles!" "Oh y/n! What was the rush earlier?" "I kinda forgot I had those to do" "honestly you need a break!" "Ugh I wish I could get o—" I hear Dominic clear his throat. I turned to him "right sorry. We'll talk later Charles!" He nods. I walked to the janitors closet "and this is the janitors closet. That's all really oh and near here the bathrooms are to the right" he nods "this is a nice job." He say. "Are you married y/n?" "What?? N—" then I remembered the ring. The ring that William gave me. I smiled a little "Uh yes, yes I am" he crosses his arms raising an eyebrow. "Is that so.. who's the lucky man??" I can't say it's William that's literally my boss!! It's like I'm a whore for money!! I mean I do like money.. get out my head!! I love him for him. If I didn't then I would have probably ran away for what he is. "Uhhh it's—" "me.. Now my darling I need you in my office." I hear behind me. I turned to see William. "Yeah I'll be there" he nods and walks away. Thank the lord and savior. Wait NO. "Your boss is your husband?" I made a awkward smile. "Yeahh.. gotta go William needs me!" Then I ran off

Vampire!Willaim afton x Reader 👾Where stories live. Discover now