Truth or Dare|Lena Luthor

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Note: Lena Luthor is your biological mother, she had you at only 15 years old and didn't want you. She wanted to get an abortion but your father who was 16 at the time insisted that she keeps you. Lena doesn't want anything to do with you, so your father says that he will take care of you and she won't have to see you ever again. Lena agrees to this arrangement.

You are currently 18 years old. You tracked your bio mother down when you were 16 but didn't meet her until now. Superfriends or Lena don't know who you are.
A/n: This ones a little weird, but here we go.


You decided that it was time you meet the Superfriends, you had been keeping track of them for 2 years now. You knew that they were meeting at some place where a bunch of people meet up and mingle with each other. Sometimes friend groups go to these places just to hang out, drink and have fun. it was a mixture of a nightclub, a bar and a restaurant.

You went there since it was a good opportunity for you to get into their circle. You arrived about 15 minutes before they did and got yourself a drink for some courage. They arrive and all sit together at their reserved area. 

Now you just needed to get invited to join them. Alex was the first one to go order them a round of drinks. you were sitting at the bar when Alex approached. The bar was quite busy so you struck up a conversation with her while she waited for the bartender to get her order. It was just some general small talk and you made a few jokes which made her laugh. 

That was a good start for you to get invited, now Alex thought that you were really friendly and cheerful. Y/n was glad that the lighting in the bar was coloured and quite dark as it made it harder for Alex to see her features, she can't lie she had some features that resembled Lena. If someone looked hard enough they could start to question things.

The group finally got their drinks and cheered. Y/n ordered them another round of drinks on her tab, but she told the bartender not to tell them it was her. By the time the drinks had arrived to their table they had finished their first one. 

When the server brought them the drinks,  they were confused until he said that someone bought them a round. They all cheered in excitement but wanted to know who it was. The server didn't tell them. When you heard their screams of excitement you smiled to yourself but didn't look in their direction. 

Alex however looked in the direction of the bar as soon as the server said that someone bought them drinks. As the rest of the group cheered she saw Y/n smiling to herself. She put two and two together and realised it must have been her since Y/n seemed really nice earlier. 

Alex started telling them how she thinks it must have been you and about your earlier conversation. Alex kept looking in your direction to see if you'd look at them, but you didn't. You could feel her watching you so you purposefully didn't look.

Alex then approached you to thank you for the drinks as she was certain they were from you. "I don't know what you are talking about," Y/n said with a slight smirk. "Well you don't have to admit it, I know it was you," Alex says seriously. You just chuckle and say "Sure"

You make a little more conversation and Alex goes back to their table. They order a few more rounds of drinks and then you order another for them and go to the bathroom. Once they get those drinks Alex looks up again and you are not there. She thought you must have left, or gone elsewhere after ordering the drinks. 

 By now you have had a few drinks yourself but were nowhere near drunk. As you left the bathroom you saw some guy really close to a girl but didn't think much of it. That is until you heard the girl tell him to leave her alone.

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