Forgotten|Lena Luthor

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You have been married to Lena for 6 years and you finally hit your breaking point.


You and Lena have been together for 8 years now. Your relationship was amazing from the start and you got married two years later.

As your relationship progressed and Lena became the CEO of her families company she started working more and more.

2 years into your marriage you decided to have a child. You hoped that it would make Lena stop working so much and to become involved in the childs life.

Neither of you wanted to go through pregnancy so you used a surrogate instead. Finally your baby girl was born and you couldn't be happier.

Everything was great for the first few months but then it all took a turn as Lena started to work a lot again and you were left with trying to mind the baby by yourself while also maintaining your own job.

You were lucky enough to have flexible hours and to be able to work from home. After your girl turned two you hired a nanny to take care of her while you worked.

It saddened you to see how little Lena was involved in your daughters life or even your own. It didn't feel like you were married anymore, it felt just like a roommate.

Lena would leave early in the morning and come back very late most nights. Sometimes you would go days not really seeing her unsure if she came home at all.

You loved Lena you really did but you were sure the feelings were not reciprocated. You hated feeling like this, like you don't matter and are pushed aside.

You were sure that Lena must be cheating on you or something since she's gone all the time. You put up with this for years, her total lack of attention to you and now your kid.

In the weeks leading up to your childs fourth birthday you got a passport made for her. You wanted out and you needed some time away even if it's just for a few weeks.

You considered leaving for a while but you were still on the fence about it. You didn't want to raise your daughter with one parent but then you realized that you're doing it alone anyway.

The breaking point was when Lena didn't come home for your daughters fourth birthday, this was another of many occasions that she didn't show up for.

You could see how it was affecting your daughter and you resented Lena for it. You hated that she left you alone to raise your child while doing god knows what.

Lena missed all the important milestones for your daughter, her first words, her first steps, everything. She missed everything.


The next day after your daughters birthday when Lena did not come home at all you were done.

A lot of nights she would come back after you were asleep and leave before you woke but this time she wasn't here at all.

You packed up some of the essentials that you and your daughter would need and loaded them into the car.

You went back inside and made breakfast for your daughter before you head out. You sit with her as she eats just reflecting on your life and how you got to this point.

Your beautiful daughter was the only thing you had in this world and you were going to make sure she grows up happy. Your marriage may be so far gone that it's beyond repair but that doesn't mean you can't provide a happy life for your daughter.

Tears start to roll down your face as you remember what your relationship used to be like with Lena and what it has been over the last 5 years.

You quickly wiped the tears as they fell but your daughter seemed to notice how upset you were. "Momma" your daughter calls for you with her arms up wanting you to pick her up.

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