Sike|Kara Danvers

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You take off running just as an explosion goes off, Supergirl just about manages to catch a glimpse of a dark figure rounding the corner and takes off after them. But you were quicker, you swiftly pulled off your black hoodie and hat and threw it in a nearby bin. 

You caught your breath and leaned against the wall like you were waiting for someone. Kara comes around the corner seconds later. She looks left and right and mutters "shit" as she has no idea which way the villain went. She realises how bad the situation is because she doesn't even know what that person looks like. 

"Hi sorry" Supergirl says trying to gain your attention. "um yeah?" you question as innocently as you can. "Have you seen someone run through here, they were wearing all black I believe?" she says. "Yeah I saw someone, They went that way," you say as you point to the right of the crossroads. 

"Thanks" she mutters and takes off again as you turn the other way and walk away with a smirk on your face. You couldn't believe that actually worked.


Getting away with setting off an explosion in the city the first time was not necessarily a good thing because now you got yourself into a much worse situation. You are trapped in a building with DEO agents at every exit. 

You couldn't believe you had been so careless and let them put you in this situation after your escapades around the city. 

There was nothing you could do now but you weren't going down without a fight. The building was quite secluded from everything else, so even if you got out there wasn't anywhere to really run or hide.

There were a few large storage containers at one side of the building and if this is your last moments of freedom you were going to make it fun.

You made sure your two handguns were fully loaded before running towards the second floor window where the containers were. Luckily the windows were already cracked badly so it didn't take much force to gi through them.

It wasn't that big of a drop from the second floor as you landed on the large container with a front roll and a flip.

It took a second for the DEO agents to register what just happened but they didn't waste any time to point their guns at you.

You were wearing the same fully dark outfit as before with the black cap pulled down more than needed. It was all part of your little show to close out your freedom.

It was alarming how little you actually cared about being caught, partly because you couldn't wait to see the supers face as she realizes she let you go to cause more havock after the first attack.

You walked to the edge of the container as they watched you, it was a pretty long fall from the containers top to the ground as the floor dipped beside the container.

They knew no sane person would try to make that jump, they just wanted to see what you would do so they held fire as they demanded you put your guns down and place your hands behind your head.

You smirked as you tossed one of your guns down almost hitting one of the agents in the face, only narrowly missing as they saw it and moved last second.

You loved the expression on her face as she stared at you, she couldn't believe you were still up to your shenanigans after being surrounded and having nowhere to go. Though the agent was grateful that you were not trying to shoot at them as that would slightly complicate things.

As you stood at the edge of the container you turned around to face the building again as you heard the demands of the DEO agents to drop your other gun.

You raised the gun in your hand and they prepared to fire until they saw you point the gun to the underside of your own head. "No" the leader of the agents says as she reaches out her hand instinctively knowing she couldn't do anything.

You smirk at her before you pretend to pull the trigger and fall backwards off the container. You were caught by the one and only super girl, just like you had predicted.

She brought you down to the woman that you had thrown your gun at who was the leader and you later learned to be Supergirls sister.

You heard Supergirl call her Alex as she brought you down next to her. Alex put cuffs around your wrists tightly as she presses you into the ground, "ow" you say dramatically "can't you loosen those a bit hun" you say.

"No" she replies coldly, completely over your theatrics as she pulls you to your feet. Supergirl approaches you and pulls off the hat.

"You" she snarls. "Me" you say cheerily as Alex watches you both in confusion. "What?" Alex says finally as you and supergirl stare at each other intensely for a while.

"Ugh, way to ruin the moment" you joke. Kara just scoffs, "I'll explain later, let's go" she says. Alex doesn't question her further as they bring you back and lock you in a cell at the DEO.

Kara explains to Alex how you had met the first time during the first attack and how you mislead her and Kara expressed how mad she was for falling for it.

You sit in your cell bored, but also not bothered at the same time. You weren't much of a social person anyway.

"Ahh, miss me already?" You smirk as Alex comes back to question you. "you wish" Alex rolls her eyes in response.

She drags you out of your cell and into the interrogation room. They try to understand why you did this. But after hours of interrogation they realize that you didn't really have a motive, you did it for fun, for the adrenaline rush.

Alex thought those were some of the worst criminals, ones that broke the law just because they were bored or something.

She thought all criminals were bad of course but ones who broke the law because they had no choice she empathized with but ones like this she had no mercy for.

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