High school|Katie McGrath|Part 2*

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Katie woke up early the next morning, she was excited. It was a Saturday which meant no school, and if everything goes as planned she would get to see you later.

She goes to check on Melissa, leaving some meds and a bottle of water on the night stand for when she wakes up.

Katie finally texts your number, to say good morning and to thank you again for your help last night. She wasn't really sure what else to say, she was too shy to bring up what you talked about last night so she figured she should at least text you something so you would have her number and hopefully bring it up yourself.

"Good morning, gorgeous" you text back five minutes later. Katie blushes at the compliment, she wasn't used to it.

She just sends a blushing emoji instead and you laugh to yourself. "How's Melissa? She was pretty wasted last night" you ask.

"She's sleeping, I left her some meds for when she wakes up" Katie tells you. "That's great" you answer.

"I'm heading into work, I'll text you later okay?" You text her, causing Katie to frown, she didn't even know why, she just had this urge to talk to you.

"Alright, chat later" Katie replies and you like her message in response. By the time Katie makes some breakfast her friend trudges down the stairs. "Are you alright?" Katie giggles as her friend doesn't look well.

"I feel like shit," Melissa groans as she sits down at the table. "Shouldn't have had so much alcohol," Katie teases.

"Oh hush. How did we even get home, I can't remember" Melissa questions. "Uh, Y/n drove us," Katie answers.

"y/n! Why?" She asks. It was weird since neither of them had ever talked to you prior to last night. "I don't know. She offered and I agreed since I couldn't drive and you were wasted." Katie answers and Melissa nods.

"Ugh, I'll have to walk to get my car or pay for an Uber," Melissa groans. "Maybe you won't drink next time then," Katie says playfully.

Melissa finally leaves around noon and Lena busies herself so she wouldn't think about you. You text her a little while after 1pm, while on your lunch break.

"Hey, we still on for tonight?" You ask, leaving a smile on Katie's lips. You didn't forget. "Of course," she replies with a smiley face causing you to smirk.

You chat a little bit and agree to meet at your house as your parents were away for a business trip this weekend. It was easy because as it turned out, you only lived a 15-minute walk away from Katie.

She spent the rest of the time mentally and physically preparing herself for what was about to happen in a few hours. You told her to come over at 6, which should give you enough time to get home and take a shower after work.

Unfortunately, work held you up and you arrived home only five minutes before Katie was supposed to be there.

You got inside and waited for her to come as you knew you wouldn't have time to shower before she got here.

There was a knock on your door at exactly 6pm and you were excited. You let her in and talked as you led her to your room. "Do you mind if I take a quick shower? Work held me up so I didn't have time before you got here, " you ask as you walk in your room.

"Yes, of course." she nods and you gather your clothes before going to your bathroom. You told Katie to find something to watch while she waited.

Katie couldn't help but feel nervous as she heard the shower running, and the thought of your naked figure in the next room, which will very soon be on top of her.

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