Forgotten|Lena Luthor|Part 2

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It didn't take long until Lena decided to hire someone to track you down. Within the first 24 hours she had located your car in a random garage.

It freaked her out as it seemed sketchy, and your daughters car seat was still in the car among some other bits and pieces.

You decided not to be an ass though and after the first 24 hours you texted your family to tell them that you and your daughter are both okay and to give the news to Lena too as you didn't want to speak with her for now.

Your sister did as you asked and contacted Lena which had a lot of follow up questions. Your sister told her the truth though, that she doesn't know where you are but that you're okay and not to worry as you'll be back in some time.

Lena felt a little better knowing that you were both okay but she still didn't stop blowing up your phone. She wanted you to come back as soon as possible so she could make up for her behavior.

Lena knew that she fucked up, and bad. She wanted nothing more than to fix everything but she couldn't help but feel like it might be too late.

You had a great holiday with your daughter, travelling to all sorts of places that she would love. You needed this and you also needed to give Lena enough time to decide if she wants to be a part of your daughters life.

After spending the first week away driving around the country visiting various places, you decided to bring your daughter to Disneyland as you had already travelled far enough that you were almost in Florida.

It was only like an 8 hour drive left so you kept moving east across the country, taking the drive over 2 days to stop by more places so you wouldn't be cramped in the car for two long.

Disneyland was your last stop for your trip and as you were almost there it hit you that now you'll have to drive the 30 odd hours back west to national city.

You had a lot of fun at Disneyland and you couldn't wipe the smile off your face when you saw how excited your daughter was.

After a long day of fun you decided to ditch the car and fly back to national city instead. It wasn't much of a loss anyway as the car was pretty old since it's only purpose was to sit in a garage in case you needed to get away.

You booked flights for the next day and a hotel to stay in for the night. You made sure to pack all your belongings into one suitcase for ease as you had a child to look after as well as manage the luggage.

You got through airport security quickly and sat at your gate. The last few hours seemed to go by in a flash. You had a lot of fun but you were excited to go home, even with the shit show to come.

You spent a lot of time thinking and you couldn't see a future in your relationship with Lena. By all means you wanted her to stay in your daughters life but you didn't think there was anything left to salvage of your relationship as you had completely lost hope in your partner.

You honestly didn't know what to expect when you got home. You just assumed that you'd be walking into an empty house like usual.

You use your key to get in and lock the door behind you as you hold your exhausted daughter from a long day of travelling.

It was getting quite late and you needed to put her to bed soon either way. "Are you excited to be home, Bubba?" You ask your girl in a slightly pitched voice as you lift her up in your arms and do a little spin.

Your daughter giggles and you bring her back down to chest lever. "You're back," you hear Lena say, her voice cracking as she walks down the stairs. You were definitely surprised she was home as she had never been home by 8 in months.

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