I'm done|Hailee Steinfeld|Part 3

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Two more months passed by slowly, the heartache slowly getting better over time.

You often questioned yourself, whether you had made the right call, maybe there was a better way. But at the end of the day you knew that you were hurting in that relationship and there was no guarantee that it would ever change.

You spent the time to work on yourself, just like you had advised Hailee to do. You found yourself having a lot more free time and your anxiety had subsided.

As a result you started going out more in nature for walks and hikes as well as picking up some of your old hobbies that you had dropped over the years.

After 2 long months you finally felt comfortable and happy in your single life. You had no intentions of starting to date again any time soon and just let life take you where it takes you.


Hailee really struggled for the first few weeks after your final conversation, hitting a depressive episode. But after she mourned your relationship she decided to take your advice and work on herself.

She slowly decreased the time she spent at work over the weeks until she returned to a semi normal week of work.

She realized that she was putting all of her energy into work beforehand which wasn't healthy for her and obviously her relationship.

Once Hailee developed a better work life balance she began to do some soul searching. She really had no idea what she wanted from life, what would constitute a fulfilling life lived with no regrets when she grows old.

Hailee worked on developing new music as she took on a journey of self discovery. Hailee loved acting but music was always a passion of hers.

She put music on the back burner when she got busy with acting but now she had more time and energy to write amazing music for her fans as she took a step back from acting.

Some fans had speculations about your relationship but they quickly dropped their theories as Hailee didn't really post you anyway so it was not a big thing that you hadn't appeared on her socials in a few months.

3 months after your relationship had ended Hailee had healed a lot. She still thought about you and missed you but she understood that you did what was right for you and also pushed her to find herself which she was grateful for.

Since she was home a lot more, she decided that she wanted a new addition to the family and got a new puppy, who she named Brando.

While she still had some ways to go in her soul searching, she already felt better about her goals and motivations in life. She felt a sense of freedom that she had never felt before.


You sat alone at the bar, a drink in hand pondering over your life. You were sure for a long time what you wanted out of life, or you thought you were but recently you had some changes in your goals.

The one thing you had never fully decided on was whether you want to have kids. Over your lifetime your opinions changed many times, the one thing you were certain of was that you didn't want to birth a child. The thought of it just seemed terrifying to you.

When you really dug deep in your mind, thinking about kids and your exes you realized that the only person you ever really consider raising children with was Hailee before she started pulling away, when your relationship was still strong and loving.

You got pulled out of thought as you heard a familiar voice ordering a drink. What were the chances. "Haiz" you muttered as your eyes met.

"Oh Y/n hi, what are the odds?" She says with a smile and you nod returning the smile. "how have you been?" You ask hoping that she was also enjoying life and improving herself.

Hailee sits down on the stool next to you, she figured her friends can wait a few minutes. "I'm actually doing much better. I've been doing some soul searching and it's been going well. You made me realize that I had neglected the things that were important, so thank you for pushing me to better myself." Hailee tells you.

"That's great to hear. That stuff takes time and I'm glad that you are putting in the effort to learn more about yourself. I always thought I knew exactly what I wanted out of life but these last few months have helped me realize that some of my own values have changed over time." You tell her with a smile.

"Yeah totally, people often forget the importance of knowing oneself. Just like I did. I had my priorities all wrong" Hailee admits.

"As long as you are happy now that's all that matters. If you can't be happy with yourself you can't be happy with someone else either." You say as you flag the barmen down for another drink while Hailee nods in agreement.

"Ugh I miss Martini so much, how is she doing?" You ask as you suddenly remember the cute dog. "She's great, actually I just got a new fur ball added to the family a couple of weeks ago" she reveals.

"Really?" You look at her with excited eyes. "Can I see a picture?" You ask nicely. "Of course" Hailee chuckles as she pulls out her phone.

"Omg, so cute" you say excitedly. "His name is Brando" Hailee tells you and you smile "he's adorable" you say while she shows you more pictures.

You look behind you as you hear a loud noise, you couldn't place where it came from but you noticed a group of people that you recognized.

"You should probably go back to your friends, they are waiting for you" you say as you didn't really think about the fact that you must be keeping her before.

"Right, yeah. I almost forgot they were here" Hailee says rubbing her neck awkwardly which makes you giggle. Butterflies erupted in Hailees stomach as she heard you laugh causing her to excuse herself before you notice her blushing cheeks.

You thought it was a nice unexpected surprise, running into Hailee here. It wasn't as painful as you thought it would be. She was happier and you were happy too, you could tell that she has come a long way since you last spoke.

You figured it was time to unblock her on social media as you thought about the cute dog that she must have posted on her feed.

You considered unblocking her a few times already but figured that it might bring back bad memories which now you knew were not going to happen as even meeting her in person didn't affect you much.

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