Attention And Mind Discipline Part 5

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Attention and Mind Discipline

The mind is always busy processing the constant flows of many good and bad ideas, and even in our dream state, the mind never stopped working. Our dream sometimes reflects what our mind was working on before we fell asleep, and the mind will continue working and transform our previous thoughts into dreams. Thousands of messages flow into our brain and messages also come to the mind through the brain every hour of our lives. Some of these messages are rushed into our conscious mind,

and as we become aware of them, we then pay attention to such information.

Attention of this kind is termed non-voluntary attention. In this state we are compelled to attend to some of the messages in our consciousness even if it is for a brief moment. But when we deliberately turn the power of our conscious mind on a definite path, and focus our attention on one particular issue; such attention is termed voluntary attention, and it is this type of attention we need most in constructive and rewarding concentration exercise.

Voluntary attention therefore is by turning the mind's power of our attention away from its mad rush of useless messages, and focuses our attention on a definite goal. Select an idea that you believe is profitable to you, and direct your attention on it. There is a difference between the term "consciousness", and "attention".

Consciousness may be defined as that state of identifying what comes to our understanding whenever our sensory organs produce a mental picture of any particular object or issues in our mind. Attention on the other hand means what we select at any point in time on which to focus our mind-power upon.

Forced Attention

There are many ways by which we are forced or compelled to pay attention, whatever may be your line of business or vocation will attract your attention when you come into contact with it in the life of others. A shoe cobbler would be forced naturally to look at the shoes on the legs of other people. The first thing that will attract any horologist is the quality of your wrist watch. A cow horn dealer would only be interested on the pair, and the quality of the horns on a cow, not the flesh of the animal.

Other things such as a loud noise or a sudden shout from someone will also force us to pay attention to what is happening. Neatness, bright colors, and orderliness attract our attention most of the time. Expectation will force us to pay attention to any sound at the door, from our phone, and e-mail box.

Curiosity also commands our attention. If you see two naked women fighting on the street in your area, you will be forced to find out why the women are fighting naked.

If you have experienced pleasure in certain activity or any object, that particular activity or object will naturally attract your attention again and again. Our past experience also plays a vital role in "forced attention". If you have had automobile accident in the past, you will be forced to caution a reckless driver.

Our interest also play a role in forced attention, students from all walks of life will quickly notice any book relating to his course of studies in a book store, Newspapers, radio and television having a discussion on what the student is studying will definitely forced him to pay attention. Generally, you will be forced to pay attention to anything that is of interest to you, to your business, and to your life.

How to form the habit of Attention

The habit of attention demands genuine interest from the creative person. After your interest in attention is intensified, you must at that stage learn how to direct your attention on a definite purpose. The easiest way by which you can activate your attention on anything is through repetition; which means, whatever caught your attention in the past makes further attention on the subject or object easier.

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