How to Deal With External Suggestions Part 9

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How to Deal With External Suggestions

Suggestion is a process of communication resulting in the acceptance with conviction of the communicated proposition in the absence of logical evidence; suggestion could also be rejected without any adequate grounds for its rejection. For instance, if a university professor go on Television, and announce that eating two bananas every day can prolong human lives; based on his profession as a university Lecturer would influence thousands of viewers to start eating bananas every day without further inquiry. On the other hand, if a farmer gives the same suggestion to the people on the same platform, based on his vocation as a farmer would not move majority of the people to eat bananas.

Liability to suggestion depends on the following factors: accepting or rejecting the suggestion would be based on the personality of the person making the suggestion, the person's relationship with you, and the level of your knowledge about the suggested matter, and also your receptiveness at the time when the suggestion is offered. Some people may impress you by the manner in which they make the suggestion.

Some public speakers may present the suggestion in such a professional way that could influence you to accept the suggestion without further questions.

If the person making the suggestion is your employer, your teacher or an expert in the suggested matter, any of these personalities could influence you to accept the suggestion as the truth.

If you are not feeling well, and your medical doctor says you look healthy, you will certainly feel better because of his position as a medical doctor. On the other hand, if you are feeling healthy and your doctor says you look sick, his statement could induce fear in your mind, and without any further inquiry could affect how you feel immediately.

In our relationship with others, the instinct of assertiveness plays a major role indeed. For instance, if you are in the presence of a person that is lower to you in education, wealth and in societal status, the impulse to assert yourself becomes dominant in your discussion with the person; whereas, in the presence of your superior, the instinct of low esteem about yourself takes over, the feeling of "stay in the background" envelope your personality. This is the reason why some people who feel superior in the presence of a lowly person would not like to lose in any argument with the lower class person, even when they know the other person is right.

The level of your knowledge about the suggested matter may help you in your decision whether to accept the suggestion or not. Children readily accept adult's suggestion because of the limitations of their knowledge. If a suggestion is in agreement with your conviction, it has you in its power at once.

Your receptiveness at the time the suggestion comes varies greatly according to your feelings, place and the circumstances that warranted the suggestion. If you are tired, suggestion to "give up" what you are doing will have great weight on your mind.

Let us now consider briefly the circumstances under which suggestions could come to you, this time, not from a person but from external influence, such as; books, Newspapers, adverts, stage dramas and movies. The power of suggestion in these cases will depend largely on your receptiveness at the time, and the level of your knowledge on the subject matter. If you wish to advance in life, always try to get other people's opinion on any suggestion, or make further inquiries on the issue before accepting any suggestion as the truth.

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