How to Create Interest And Satisfaction Part 6

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How to Create Interest and Satisfaction

How do we define "interest?" It is not easy to define interest just as it is not easy to define love which could be just lust of the flesh, or even hate which could be a temporary emotional feeling that may disappear in the heart in few minutes. However, interest may be felt first before it could be understood. Someone helpfully defined interest as: "A cause determining the will, or a feeling which binds our attention to an object or subject".

The ultimate goal of human interest in any matter is satisfaction. And when satisfaction level is attained, interest tends to drop gradually or die completely. In order to generate further interest in the subject matter, we must be able to see additional qualities that will attract questions and craving for satisfaction in the object or the subject matter. If you own a Rolls Royce car, and you still envy the man who owns a Jet, you are not likely to enjoy the luxury of that expensive car unless you appreciate the quality of your highly priced car over other lesser quality brand of cars you could see all around you driven by happy owners.

If you are grateful for what you have, you will derive satisfaction in what you owned. Think always about those who don't have the same quality of what you possessed!

It has been said that interest manifest in our hearts in two forms, they are "Sensory interest", and "Motor interest". If you see some alluring fruits in a groceries store window, and as you look at the appealing fruits from the window glass, you then visualized the delicious taste each bite could bring to your mouth, this will surely make your interest in the fruit to increase in double fold.

Because of the way the fruits appealed to your senses, and this will gradually increased your interest in the fruits; this type of interest is called; "Sensory interest". Furthermore, if your interest in the fruits continues to mount and you thereafter feel you must buy some of the fruits in order to satisfy your interest, and you then act on your strong feelings to eat the fruits by going into the store to buy the fruits. What pushed you to enter the store is called "Motor interest".

In "Sensory interest", the object or subject quickens this sensory emotion in you through: visuals, auditory and physical touching of the object. In "Motor interest" however, we feel a strong pull or strong urge to obtain the object in order to satisfy our interest. "Motor interest" is therefore the action you must take after your "Sensory interest" is awakened. Motor interest is the unseen force behind what you feel you need to do in order to satisfy your interest in the subject or object.

A desire must be supported by a stronger emotion, such as "Motive" before anyone can be pushed into action. Everyone desires to be rich, but without a genuine motive for your quest for wealth, the person will fail woefully in such pursuit.

If an object appears uninteresting to you, you may create a new interest in it by associating it with some interesting situation which you may have experienced in the past; or you can connect the subject or object to a recent situation you are familiar with.

Some years ago, a young man gained admission to study Mass Communication in a Nigerian University. After one year in the school, the Nigerian university students union went on rampage to show their anger against the Military Government's policy on education at that time. Some of the students lost their lives in that riot which made the Military Government of that period to close down all the universities in Nigeria indefinitely to prevent further loss of lives and to stop further damages to Government properties.

Few days after the general closure of all the universities in Nigeria, the Federal Military Government expelled some of the university student's union Leaders because of the role each of them played in the destructive fracas. However, some human right Lawyers went to court to challenge the Federal Government for expelling some student Leaders, the Lawyers argued their case gallantly in High court as they defended the actions of the expelled students.

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