How To Control Your Thoughts Part 7

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How to Control Your Thoughts

Thought control can do a lot for you, if you can learn how to control your mind; your world would be under your control. Let us consider the following real life situations here: Mr. James has just finished his breakfast early in the morning, he felt good because he enjoyed his pleasant meal. He then picked the daily News papers on his table to read, he saw a headline that caught his attention, one of his valuable clients had gone bankrupt, the Newspaper reported. As a result of the bad news about his client, the satisfaction he felt after his delicious breakfast disappeared from his mind, and he left his home for the office that morning in a bad mood.

Mr. Benson on his own part did not enjoy his breakfast that same morning, because the food was not well prepared to his satisfaction. He morosely opened his Newspaper to read, and suddenly, he noticed that the price of petroleum products had gone up with thirty percent increase with immediate effect as reported by the Newspapers. As a petroleum product Dealer, his filling stations around the city still had large quantities of petrol and gasoline products in their underground tanks.

As a result of this good news, Mr. Benson quickly forgot his badly prepared food, and left his home for his office in a happy mood. A food vendor carried her tray of food on her head, delighted with the fine weather which was good for her kind of cooked-food peddling business. The farmers in the same Community were in despair for lack of rain, and the bad effect lack of rain could have on their planted crops.

Is there any lesson we can learn in the various situations narrated above? However, what we need to know is that the world is what each of us think it is. The objects or things we see, hear, touch, taste, and smell are the same in reality but each of us look at them from different point of view. We define things or objects according to our understanding. We all look at the same object but see it differently all the time.

A Lawyer expects court briefs from people every day, but people naturally would not like to go and brief a Lawyer if they could avoid doing so, but our society cannot do without the service of Lawyers for various reasons. Some people need Lawyers to fight for their rights, and to defend them in the court of Law whenever necessary.

A medical doctor expect sick people to consult him for the solutions to their ailment, but no one would like to fall sick for any reason if they could avoid sickness totally, but people would naturally fall sick, and will always need the service of the doctors because the body and flesh of humans are not stones. Automobile Mechanics expect cars to have problems on daily basis for them to have jobs to do, but no car owners would like his car to develop problems.

Some people are praying for others to have problems just for them to have jobs to do, and people are also praying not to have problems to avoid paying for such services. The world is an interesting place indeed!

The fact of the matter is that these professionals need our patronage to remain in business, but it will cost us some money to receive what they offer to us as professional services. This is what you may call: "one man's blessing is another man's misfortune". The world flourishes on these various expectations, disappointments, promises, failures, fortune and misfortune. These varieties make the world and its people complex and interesting.

Every day billions of people all over the world look out each morning on their own world and interpret the world the way they see and understand it. To some people, the world is a joyful, a beautiful and a happy one; and to others, it is a sorrowful, ugly, wicked and a miserable world. This world appears to every individual the way the person understand it. Whatever you can see with your eyes and believe, is what you are going to get in due course of time.

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