Chapter 14

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| Fishing for forgiveness |


The room was filled with crying noises. His brother just stared at him, waiting for an answer. "I told you it was nothing, Phi. You should get out now." He sobbed harder. Tee didn't leave and rubbed his brother's back, giving him some comfort.

"I don't even know why I'm crying, Tee. He wiped his tears away, turning his face toward his brother. Do I look ugly when I'm crying?" Tee furrowed his eyebrows at Nunew's sudden question.

"You do. Now stop crying." He cried even harder, making Tee sigh. "Phi, why do you think they would play with me? I'm already smart; I can bake, and I'm also not a picky eater. Is it because I'm ugly? Do you think I should get plastic surgery?" He asked, covering his face with the pillow.

"You're crazy. You don't even have enough money to fix your phone, and now you want plastic surgery? What happened? You can tell me."

"You won't even get it if I tell you the whole story. Tee then gave him a glass of water."

"Just tell me the whole story. Say what you want to say; I'll be here to listen. Ma and Pa would be worried if they saw you acting like this. You need to calm down, hmm?" Nunew nodded, taking the water from his hand. 

He stared at his face in the mirror in front of him, examining his red, swollen eyes and wet face.

"P'Tee, I'm gay..."

"I know."

"P'Tee, my heart got broken."

"I know."

"P'Tee, Hia broke my heart."

"I know."

"No, you don't. Go away; I don't want to talk to you."

"I know Nhu, seriously. He came here earlier to apologize to me, Ma, and Pa." Nunew wiped away his tears and stared at his brother, his eyes widening in shock.

"You already know; why are you even asking?" He threw the pillow to his brother, but Tee quickly caught it.

"You should talk to him, Nhu. It's better to fix things than ignore each other. This is not only for him; it's also for you."


"That's good; now go clean the toilet. It was full of your puke, so disgusting."

"Oi, you talk to him as if he weren't older than you."

"I'm just telling him to clean; what's the problem with that?"

"Stop fighting. You can go home now. I can do this alone."

Zee spoke with a weak voice.

"If you say so. Just call us when something happens. You better not drink anymore." Mark just gave him a nod.

He started cleaning the studio, putting all the trash in the trash. He went straight to the bathroom and took a shower, cleaning himself. 

It's still early. He spent the rest of his day fixing and finishing Love's battery by himself. His eyes are getting watery from the amount of time he spends looking at the monitor. 

After six hours straight, he finally removed the virus. The only one that he hasn't removed yet is Nunew's.

I finally fixed it, Nhu. I hope you can forgive me now. 

He downloaded the file and turned off his computer and the lights before leaving the studio. 


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