Chapter 10

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Narrator POV (if Florentino can make changes, so can I)

1 month later

Everything was back to normal at Real Madrid, Cristiano finally recovered from his injury and once again was playing with the team. He was happy, really, but he felt as though something was missing or should he say someone. Now that Abril had gone back to her apartment, he no longer had the excuse to see her and talk to her everyday. Sure, he saw her at training, but she was working and had to attend to her duties. As much as they wanted to go and touch each other or be all lovey dovey, they had to keep it 'somewhat professional' as Juan said on Abril's first day on the job.

Abril, on the other hand, was feeling a bit weird. Not mentally, though, because, to be honest, she was as content as a squirrel with a nut. She felt weird, physically. Nausea and very tiredness were two of the many symptoms she faced. Her breasts and ankles were so swollen she had to buy a new bra and shoes.

Cristiano noticed her tiredness right away. Her under eye circles and pale skin were a dead giveaway, but another giveaway would be the way she acted during practice. Normally, when someone got hurt, she would run as fast as lightning to get to them, but now, she goes as slow as a snail. When the day was over, you could see her helping Carlo, Hierro, Clement, and the rest of the training staff to put away the equipment. Now you see her hunched over a bench breathing heavily while drinking a water bottle.

Cristiano was beyond worried for her, but every time he reached out for her, she would say she's busy. It broke his heart every time.

Abril knew what was wrong with her and she was scared shitless.


Abril was walking to her car after a day of work when her phone rang. It was Catalina. "Hey." She answered.

"Hey? That's all I fucking get after almost two fucking weeks of not speaking to me?!" Catalina shrieked on the other line, cursing like a sailor.

Abril got into her car and put her on bluetooth, "What do you want me to say?"

"Oh, I don't know," Cata said sarcastically, "How about? 'Hello Catalina how are you my sweet best friend, would you like to come over to my apartment?' Oops, too late, already there."

"Wait what?" Abril asked driving to her home.

"I'm at your apartment." She said as if speaking to a two year old. "You know, you should really stop feeding your fish so much. He's really fat."

"Could you please get out of my apartment and stop judging my fish?" Abril asked, getting annoyed.

"Umm... no. I'm staying over and we're having a slumber party, 'kay?"

"No. I'm tired." Abril whined.

"Too bad, I'm already in my PJ's." Cata sang.

"Bitch." Abril mumbled pulling up to her building.

"Are you on your period because you're very rude today?"

That was all Catalina said before Abril hung up.

The answer to Catalina's question was: no, she is not on her period. She hasn't had her period in 36 days and counting.

As Abril opened the door to her apartment, Catalina threw a pillow in her direction for no goddamn reason. "What was that for?" Abril asked placing her keys on the coffee table.

"For being a bitch and ignoring me for two-" She suddenly stopped talking and put on a very worried face. "Oh, god." She gasped, pulling Abril to sit beside her. "Are you alright?"

That was all it took for Abril to break down. She cried her heart out. She shook her head and laid her head on Catalina's chest. The latter smoothed a hand over her hair and tried shushing her. "What's wrong?" She asked when Abril finally stopped crying.

"I'm nauseas all the time, fatigued when I haven't even moved, my breasts are bigger than ever, and I love pickles with raspberry sauce." Abril blurted out all at once.

Catalina blinked and stood up. "I'm going to the pharmacy."

Before Abril could react, Catalina was gone, and she was all alone.

Fifteen minutes later, Catalina came back with a bag in her hand, panting. She looked like a crazy person with her blonde hair disheveled and her pajamas all crumpled up. "I know you're scared, but you have to do this, Abril."

She picked out the box from the bag and handed it over to Abril.

Abril touched the box with trembling hands and read out loud the words on the box, "Pregnancy test."

She wiped away a stray tear and went into the bathroom.

Catalina waited patiently on the couch feeling very nervous for her best friend. She knew that if Abril were pregnant, she would help her every step of the way. If Cristiano accepted it, he would too she hoped. The chances of him accepting the baby were very high due to him already being a father, but there was a small chance of him not accepting. That would totally ruin Abril. Then Catalina would ruin him.

Abril came out and sat down next to Catalina. As the pair waited in silence, Catalina hugged Abril. Abril doesn't know what she would do without her best friend. Scratch that. Sister.

After three minutes, the results were in.

Abril couldn't look so she told Catalina to look. That moment went in slow motion. As Catalina reached to grab the stick, Abril's heart was pounding in high speed.

She gasped when she saw the results.

"You're pregnant, Abril."

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