Ch.5 ~ snow day

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~⤊⤊playlist to listen to while reading~

~hellloooooo, my simps! I am writing pretty early so I will try to get two chapters in today! My school is out today for snow and ice on the roads so I was inspired to write a story about what would happen if you, Sal, and Larry were out of school!~

~hope you all enjoy!~


"Hey! I do not!"



"What their trying to say is, your eyes look bloodier then bloodshot!"

"That's exactly what I'm saying!"

'End of recap'

After a bit more of play video games or just fun physically interactive games Sal and Larry both went home and to bed for the night. It was about 3:00 pm when I got a call from my mom;

"Hey sweetheart, I just wanted to let you know that I got an email saying that you don't have school tomorrow due to the roads being to iced over! I hope you had a good day!"

"YES! School sucks! I had the BEST day ever!!I had a sleep over with my friend Sal and got to hang out with my new friends!"

"That's seams fun! I'm glad you had a great day!"

"How was your day though?"

"Ehh. Wasn't the best but it wasn't the worst! Anyways I have to go, love you hon!"

"Love you too! Be careful on the roads too!"

"I will honey, you don't have to worry about me!"

*ᴄᴀʟʟ ᴇɴᴅᴇᴅ*

'YES! Schools out!' I thought to myself.

I played on my phone for a bit until I got bored and figured it was about time to fix dinner.

I walked into the kitchen and started cooking.


After I finished eating I went to my room and refilled Coco's food and water containers before going into my bathroom and turning on the lights. I took off my mask and put it on the counter taking a good look at my face for the first time in a while;

The half of my face that had been ripped off had grown a thin layer of skin over it so my face kind of looked uneven, but with the correct treatment over time it would get as normal as it could. my cheek was proven to never grow back, so I would have no cheek on one side of my face, just teeth. The other side of my face had a huge scar from the top of my eye brow to the start of my lips, that side was the one with a prosthetic eye. I took the eye out set it on the counter and got undressed and into the shower. Careful to not make to water too hot for the thin layer of skin on my face.


I got out of my closet with a oversized tee-shirt on and some shorts before getting into bed and turning my lamp off.

I woke up to knocking at the door. I got up and opened the door, my free hand covering all of my face except for my good eye so I could see who it was. It was Sal he saw that I was trying to cover my face so he put his hands over the eye holes of his mask.

"That was... really nice... thank you, Sal!"

"I'd do it Any day if it means your more comfortable! Anyways I was here to ask if you wanted to come out and play in the snow with me and Larry after you got ready?"

"Sure that sounds fun! I'll be out in a bit!"

I said before shutting my door and walking to my bathroom.

I washed my hands then I washed the prosthetic eye and rinsed it thoroughly before inserting it in my Eye-socket. I walked into my closet and changed into an oversized hoodie and some sweat pants, gloves and a scarf for warmth.

I went back into my bathroom and put my mask on then walked into the living room grabbing some mini muffins from the pantry before eating one and walking out of the room.
I was met with an asleep Larry laying on the floor and a half asleep Sal sitting propped against the wall next to my door.

"Uhhh, did I really take so long that you guys fell asleep" I asked Sal.

"Nah, me and Larry just stayed up talking on the phone until like 5 this morning, then I woke up at 7 am and woke Larry up at 8 so neither of us got much sleep."

"I have an idea!"

"Idea away!"

I told him my idea before we dragged Larry into the elevator and went to the first floor.

When we got outside I shut the door and stoped dragging Larry and left him on the porch of the building and grabbed some snow, signaling for Sal to grab some. I walked over to Larry and put my hands, filled with snow, right above his face and Sal did the same thing. I signed;


And we dropped the snow onto his face before running off into the yard. to make him think that we didn't do it, we acted like we were having a snow ball fight, i through the first snow ball and giggled as the snow slowly slid off of Sals mask before falling to the ground

He whispered;


And through one at me.

"Do you guys think ima idiot?!?"


I screamed as Sal was chasing me with a snow ball in hand. Sal stopped chasing me and we both laughed at my comment before we both stopped laughing due to the sound of snow hitting the ground.  Me and Sal both opened our eyes and looked around. We both went to to hysterical laughter as we realized Larry just tried to hit me with a snow ball but he did not through it hard enough. It was about 5 feet away from me and he was 7 feet away from me, so he only threw it 3 feet.

"Bro- you have- horrible aim!"
Sal said in between laughs.

"It's okay sleeping beauty!"

He growled a bit before running at me with a mischievous smile on his face and a snowball in his hand. Needless to say, I ran, as fast as I could.

~thank you for reading my simps~

(1080 words)

~have a good rest of your night or day, thanks for reading this chapter, and see you later~

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