Ch.33 ~ another ordinary day

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~I feel like I didn't elaborate enough in the last part abt my schedule so, this schedule change is only going to be for a little bit, I'll probably continue onto my normal schedule starting March 21~

~also the frequency of my posting may very depending upon how I feel! (Most likely it would be more frequent)~


"Really, I thought with how much you know about the human body you would be considered a professional" he said jokingly

"Well I'm glad at least one of us has our since of humor in this situation"

'End of Recap'

"Hehe, yeah."

"Now, do you want to tell me what this situation is exactly?"

"Umm, well... after you texted me abt telling Sal I'm Asexual, I forgot to delete the message and I just set my phone on the bed side table on the charger in my room, with my door open..."

"Oh, shit..."

"Yeah. I think you can guess what happened...."

"So, your dad, he did this *gesturing to his cuts and bruises* all because he assumed you weren't straight? I mean, your not but like, that's absolutely horrendous of him."

"Can you Promise me something?"

"Yeah, ofc!"

"Promise not to call CPS, as much as I hate my father, I don't want to be taken away from you guys..."

I hesitated for a second before giving him a reassuring smile and saying:
"I promise!"

"Now, do you want to go home or would you rather stay here for a few nights?"

"I don't think I want to go home to.... Him"

"Ok, let me call and ask if Li- mom is ok with you staying here."

I called lisa and she ended up saying yes before hanging up.

"Alrighty, well, let's get to bed. You can sleep on my bed and I'll sleep on the couch!"
I said as I was leading him to my room.

Once we got there I pointed out where I would be sleeping if he needed me and I shut the door, leaving him in my room before walking to a hallway closet and getting a blanket for myself.

'End of flashback'

'???'s pov'

Remembering that last part I kinda forgot the reason I was mad at y/n in the first place, and once I remembered the reason I realized it was a stupid one.

I continued on my journey to Larry's tree house wondering how y/n was, it had been a full 3 years since I talked to them last.

Once I got there I saw the person i couldn't get out of my mind standing in-front of the ghost I was here to see.

"Well, Speak of the devil!"

"Travis!! how have you been doing?!?!?"

(Complete)💙Thou Among The Broken💙 sal fisher x reader (PROOFREADING RN!!)Where stories live. Discover now