Ch.22 ~ redo friendship

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~⤊⤊playlist to listen to while reading!~

Also Can we all just take a moment of silence to appreciate this adorable fanart up here⤊⤊

Sorry guys this chapter is gonna be kinda short since I don't have enough time nor motivation

Also,~~this is Ashley's font Text thingy

Ok thx, now on with the story


"Yep! But for real we have school tomorrow, we need to get sleep."

"Agreed... night night, I love you"

"Good night, I love you too"

And with that we were both asleep.

'End of recap'

(In the morning)

"Babbbbyyyyyyyy, wake upppppppppppp"


"Salllllyyyyyyy, wake up~"

"I don't wanna..."



"It's 7:00, were supposed to be leaving right now..."

"Fuck! Why didn't you wake me up earlier!?!"

"You know good and well that I tried."

(Flash back)

"Sal fisher! Wake your ass up right now!"


"WAKE UP!!!" I said while shaking him.


"Baby, you have to get ready!!"

"Mmm... no"

(End of flashback)

"Good point...."

(After school)

Travis, Sal, Larry, and I were all walking together back to our own houses/apartments, well that is until Travis has to part ways to get to his, and we were all talking and chatting when Ashley came up to us.

"Ummm, hey y/n, I wanted to talk to you.... If it's alright I would like it to be like right now, it's pretty urgent."

"Oh, yeah! Sure thing Ashley, I'll be right there just wait at that bench over there!"

"Ok... c'ya, Travis, Larry, and Sal"

"Whatever, C'ya ig"

Ashley walked over to the bench and sat down waiting for me.

"Alright guys, Larry, Sal, don't wait on me I'll just try to be quick and catch up! Travis, have a good day and I'll see you tomorrow!"

"You too." He said as I was walking off.

Travis, Larry, and Sal all started walking again, as of my request.

As I neared Ashley she looked like she had something on her mind, like she was zoning out and snapping back to reality every 5 seconds.

"Hey Ashley, what did you need to talk about?"

"Oh. Hey! I umm... can you sit down first?"

"Yeah! Ofc!" I said as I sat down.

"So umm, I know this was a long time ago but I just wanted to apologize for what happened on Valentine's Day..."



"Do you think I'm still holding that grudge against you??"

"I mean we'll yeah... it was kinda a huge fuck up..."

"There was no way you could have known that me and Sal decided to be each other's valentines, it's fine! Really, I don't care as long as your not trying to steal my man after fully knowing that I'm dating him."

"Alright, can we please put that behind us and become friends again?"

"Sure! But I better get going now, Sal might think I died, heh"

"Yeah, I guess I'll see you around?"

"See you around!"

(After running up to Sal and Larry)

"Hey *pant* guys!"

"Ummm, are you good?"

"Mhm, *pant* yeah, I'm fine! *pant* Just a bit out of breath *pant* from running!"

"Hey man! We were just talking about going up to the tree house, we haven't been in a while so I thought it would bring back some old memories! Wanna join us?"

(Sorry if your pronouns aren't he/him, Larry just calls everyone man/dude, in my fanfic universe, it's harmless, he's not trying to assume your gender, if you want me to change his wording to more gender neutral please tell me so by commenting or smth like that)

"That's not even a question, of course I would wanna join y'all!"


~once again I am sorry for this chapter being so short but I will try to make it up to all of my dear little simps (yes I am bringing the nickname back!! And no one can stop me!!!!) in a future chapter~

(682 words)

~have a good rest of your night or day, thanks for reading this chapter, and see you later~

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