Ch.28 ~ ???

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~I'm very happy that we are finally catching on to the real sally face storyline!!!!~


"Wait... Mrs.Sanderson?"

"Yes, Sal?"

"Didn't there used to be a pony over on that shelf?"

"Charley... he took it when he came by..."

"Yes, unfortunately, he did."

"Wait, that's exactly how we could get him in trouble! The pony!"

'End of recap'

"Holy crap, sals right, we just need to get evidence that proves the pony was yours!"

"How are we going to find evidence in a room where all things were taken out?"

"Who said anything about this apartment?" I retorted with a sly grin on my face.

"Oh, you sneaky son of a gun."

(Just fyi you and Sal cut back on the cussing when your around most adults, that aren't y'all's parents)

"Theoretically that would work but how are you going to even get anywhere near any of his pony dolls?"

"She's got a point, that dude has never and will never let any one of those freaky dolls out of his sight"

"Not for long. I was thinking, and I came to a conclusion. Pretty much All adults in this building are infatuated with Mr.Addison's tea right? Well, the stuff also puts charley to sleep."

"Nooo, your bad. But I like your thinking." Sal said with an almost evil smile forming behind his mask, indicated by the way his eyes squinted.

"Ehh, oh well."

Mrs.Sanderson looked really confused so I explained my plan to her;

"Hehe, sorry Mrs.Sanderson, for not elaborating. Well, charley falls into a deep sleep when he has even a sip of Addison's tea, and it's not the first time me or Sal have given him that tea, but it is the first time we're gonna use the little quirk of his to our advantage, if you catch my drift."

"Ohhhh, well. Thank you. Thank you both for being so kind as to catch the perpetrator. It means a lot to me."

"Any day. now, mission time?" I directed towards Sal.

"Mission time! Bye Mrs.Sanderson!"

"Bye Mrs.Sanderson, it's been nice talking to you!"

"Goodbye you two, your both free to come visit whenever you'd like!"

"Are we actually about to do this?" He muttered when we got out of the room.

"Hell yeah! Charley can die in a hole for all I care, and right now, value wise, this doll has more value to me then charley himself."

"Ehh, good point."

We got to Mr.Addison's apartment and asked;

"Addison's tea please and thank you"

Rewarding us with the oh so loved tea in this building.

And with that we made our way to Charley's room, tea in hand.

Once we had made it to his room I was pretty quiet again, just a quick "hello" and a "yes" or "no" when needed. It did not last long because the absolute pig smelt the tea from a mile away, you could tell that he was trying to be kind and make small talk but he was failing, so he decided to get to the chase;

"Look, I know you two have Addison's tea, would you mind handing me it?"

"Yeah, of course, we don't like it anyways."

Sal said before handing the cup of tea to the fat oily pig of a human. Charley scarfed down the tea and fell into a deep sleep before me and Sal grabbed the pink pony on the shelf that still had the blood of Mrs.Addison's dead body. Once we had gotten it was quietly exited the room and ran outside to the investor on the outside of the building. We handed him the pony before returning back to our apartments.

A few minutes later we could hear charley being apprehended and taken to a cop car, me and Sal both walked to the cop car together to say farwell to charley but when we got into talking distance charley said;

"Sally, y/n, I know you touched my pony..." in a menacing deep voice and an almost too serious look on his face.

I grabbed sals hand and said;

"We should probably leave, I don't think we're wanted here."

"Yeah, your probably right"

'End of flashback'
'???'s pov'

I came back to reality and realized I was supposed to be getting ready, so I took a moment to look in the mirror before continuing to brush my blond hair.
While I was brushing my hair my thoughts were louder then my roommates blow dryer.
Or I like to think this way but really the girl in this house was oblivious to me, she couldn't see me, I was a ghost. I had died a few years back but we will not get into that just yet...

'Why did he take all the blame for what they both did!?'

'I miss him... everything about him, I miss.'

'The way his smile almost protruded from his mask,'

'the way he could talk for hours about smth he liked without getting bored'

'and.... him.... I missed, him'

'Ya' know what..... Larry most likely could help get my mind off of this...'

After we had both died larry and I became good friends. And with that I was off to Larry's tree house.... The only place he could be. I still didn't get how these flashback things were showing me stuff that I had never been in, like the one I just had was one mainly about Sal and y/n. Regardless while I was (floating) going there I had another one of my flash back thingys;


'Y/n's pov'


"Sally, y/n, I know you touched my pony..." in a menacing deep voice and an almost too serious look on his face.

I grabbed sals hand and said;

"We should probably leave, I don't think we're wanted here."

"Yeah, your probably right"

'End of recap'

Me and Sal both walked back to Larry, Lisa, and I's apartment and knocked on Larry's door.

~it may be kind of easy to find out but who do you guys think "???" Is?~

(1026 words)

~have a good rest of your night or day, thanks for reading this chapter, and see you later~

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