Ch.27 ~ another incident

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~⤊⤊playlist to listen to while reading!~

~guys I can't believe we got to 27 chapters!!!! And we are not even half way into the story yet!!!~


~this chapter is my version of what happened, manipulated to fit the story line of this book, so if something happens that is not in the game, don't come at me~


"Well, Mrs.Sanderson's toilet is clogged and I have some other stuff to do today, cleaning, I mean, so I wanted to ask if you and Larry could go do it for me?"

"Oh, yeah, I'll do it, I don't know abt Larry though."

"Alright, I'll talk to him, thank you so much!"

"No problem!" I said before getting out of bed and getting dressed.

Lisa left to go talk to Larry.

'End of recap'

I finished getting ready and grabbed my phone before walking to Larry's room and knocking.

"One second dude, I'm changing."

I waited by the door and soon after larry walked out of his room before saying;

"Ya ready?"


We both walked the all to familiar walk to Mrs.Sandersons room and knocked on the door. The lady I had grown quite fond of opened the door and said;

"Hello you two, what brings you up here?"

"Well, Li-mom... she said that your toilet was clogged and she didn't have enough time to come up here so she asked if we could do it and we said yes."

Larry put a hand on my back and gave me a thumbs up when I corrected myself. I was still getting used to calling Lisa my mom so it was still kinda hard to call her that but I managed most of the time.

"Oh, alright, come in, come in."

Larry walked in first and I followed suit. Once we had gotten inside she asked if we wanted anything to drink and I said I just wanted a water while Larry asked if she had coke.

Once we had finally gotten to unclog her toilet we were about to walk out of the room when we heard a loud banging on the door of her apartment, it startled both of us but we just gave each other looks and peeked through the crack of the bathroom door.

Mrs.Sanderson made the huge mistake of opening the door and a drunken charley made his way into the room. Once he had gotten into the room he slowly inched towards the pony on her shelf, boy do I wish I could tell what they were saying, all I could make out was that Mrs.Sanderson was telling charley to put the pony back on the shelf but he got mad.

Charley held the pony in one hand and started to yell at Mrs.Sanderson, with his back turned towards me. Mrs.Sanderson looked scared, like she was fearing for her life, but I didn't know why until Larry silently pointed out a huge butchers knife, that I somehow missed, in the drunk man's other hand. My curiosity was suddenly broken when I heard a blood curling scream come from the woman I had grown to love as my friend.

Blood splattered everywhere, including on the pony as charley started to bash his knife into the lady's head over and over again, laughing like a maniac. once he had finally gotten to her brains, her movement ceased and i watched the life leave her eyes as she muttered something I just couldn't tell what. After he was satisfied with her head being sliced he moved to her neck and harshly cut it open, leaving me and Larry with our mouths agape. Larry separated from the door and was now rocking back and forth on the floor clutching his mouth as to not make any noises, and I frozen in horror watching the horrific scene laying out in front of me.

After he was done with the woman, he walked out of the room with a trail of blood behind him. A tear slowly ran down my face and I was quick to wipe it off. I waited a bit before nudging Larry and signaling him to follow me, to which he hesitantly obliged to.

I couldn't bare to look at Mrs.Sanderson's dead body, even if she was just lying face first on the floor, she didn't deserve this. I'm gonna get my revenge on charley, the question is, how?

We finally made it back to the apartment and I silently walked into my room and shut my door, locking it and taking a shower in an attempt to wash the memory from my brain.

Once I had gotten out of the bathroom i sat on my bed in fetal position and let a silent tear fall from my eye, followed my another, and another and another, until I was full on crying, but not a sound made it's way from my mouth.

(A month later)

It had been a full month since the death of Mrs.Sanderson but my vocal cords were still not operating correctly, and I have not made a peep since then. Lisa was really concerned but she eventually decided that I had probably gone mute or something.

Sal was still very worried but lisa assured him that I had just gone mute and I had no other choice but to nod my head. Larry on the other hand had gotten along just fine and knew exactly why I was not able to talk. We had decided that we would not tell anyone what had happened that day and we had kept that secret until cops ended up investigating the room to which we had to tell Sal, but we told no one else.

Sal and I distracted the cop at the door and decided to go in with a crowbar that we had gotten from Dave and check out Mrs.Sanderson's old apartment.

Once we had gotten there Sal pulled out a gear boy, the same one he had used when we found ozwald in the abandoned and haunted house we explored, and suddenly Mrs.Sanderson formed from nothing, Sal asked some questions but I was in shock.

There was a moment of silence and I took this as my turn to finally speak for the first time in a long time;

"...M-Mrs.Sanderson, I'm sorry..."

This shocked Sal and he immediately grabbed my hand with his free one, as a small congratulations for finally speaking.

"For what, my sweet friend?"

"For.... For n-not doing anything about.... Ch-Charley..."

"There's nothing I can expect you to do, you are just a kid after all, I'm just glad you and Larry came out unscathed."

"B-but... I-" I was stopped by my own self, not being able to hold back tears anymore.

I finally worked the courage back up to speak without a shaky voice and I said;

"Thank you, thank you so much."

Sal was now rubbing my arm as a form of comfort.

"Wait... Mrs.Sanderson?"

"Yes, Sal?"

"Didn't there used to be a pony over on that shelf?"

"Charley... he took it when he came by..."

"Yes, unfortunately, he did."

"Wait, that's exactly how we could get him in trouble! The pony!"


~yayyyy, getting no sleep to just post 2 chapters! The life of a Wattpad writer!~

(1165 words)

~have a good rest of your night or day, thanks for reading this chapter, and see you later~

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