Ch.31 ~ bologna day

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I'm writing this in my grandparents car so let's hope they don't see the reflection in the window 🥲

Idk how high school schedules work so ima just do a classic 1-8 periods but ima change y/n's schedule/who they have classes with;

First period: Travis, Sal, and Larry
Second: Travis, and Larry
Third: Travis, and chug
Fourth: Travis
Fifth: Travis, and Sal
Sixth: Travis, Ashley, and maple
Lunch: everyone lol
Seventh: Travis, Ashley, Sal, and Larry
Eighth: Travis, Sal, and Larry


Once we got there he immediately tackled me onto the bed and snuggled me until we both fell into a deep sleep, arms wrapped around each other.

'End of recap'

When I woke up I saw that Sal had taken off our masks so I take it that I fell asleep first. I took a moment to look around the room when the almost nostalgic feel of when I used to stay with Sal in this room 24/7 came back to me. I was absent mindedly playing with sals hair and I realized because I had stopped playing with his hair and he sleepily grabbed my hand and put it on top of his head.

I continued playing with his hair until his alarm went off and we both had to get up.

We got ready for school and I ran down to the basement to grab my school bag before dragging Larry up to meet Sal so we could all walk together to school.

Once we had gotten there we saw Travis, chug, Maple, Ashley, and Todd in a little group talking to each other. Larry ran over to hug Ashley—I guess it's just because he had to spend 2 hours without her lol--and me and Sal just walked over to the group.

"Hey guys! What's up?"

"Oh, nothing we're just talking about how much Travi-mmmhmm hmmmm Mmmmm" maples voice was muffled by Travis's hand covering her mouth.

"Hehe, we were just talking about how I.... How much I hate this one person, yeah, yeah that's it"

"Sure it was" Ashley said and Travis gave her a death stare before larry started growling at him.

"Ahah, you furry!"

"For real! I was gonna say, dude do you identify as an animal?"

Me and Sal laughed about it for a bit and then we all had a little conversation before me, Travis, Sal, and Larry all had to split ways with Ashley, Todd, Maple, and Chug to get to our classes.

When me, Travis, and Larry were in our second period were in our second period our teacher took attendance and the principal over the intercom told us what we had for lunch that day:

"Good morning, nockfell high! Please stand for the pledge of allegiance (Pledge of allegiance). Now, let's give a moment of silence for the people who have died for you ungrateful brats. (Moment of silence) Just a reminder, today is bologna day so blah blah blah blah"

I looked over to Travis and saw his eyes light up at that. I could only pay attention to the fact that today was bologna day, unlike Travis, I absolutely despised the bologna day. It didn't taste like bologna.... I don't know how to explain it except that It tasted weird.

"Euh, good for you. At least you like the bologna." I sorta whispered.

Larry chuckled and Travis said;

"I don't see how you guys don't!"

(After the whole bologna incident cus I'm too lazy to rewatch someone play sally face bologna episode just to be accurate to the game lol)

We ended up going back to school and finishing off the classes, Sal, Ashley, Larry, and I all traumatized and struggling to pay attention to the teacher.

After seventh period was done Ashley split out of the group of five we had, making it four, to go to her eighth.

"What's up with you guys? You've all been super quiet... it's unlike y/n to be quiet but Larry?!?!? I wouldn't believe it if I wasn't here."

"It's... nothing, I think we're all just stressed about the deadline of that science thing being so close now."

'Smooth lie.'

"Yeah, I know I am."


"Umm, tomorrow why?"

Not only did Larry's face drop but so did Travis's.

"Oh no, I completely forgot about it... this is going to be a... fun... thing to tell my dad." He said the last part really quietly so only I could hear. I tried to sooth him by rubbing his back in a comforting manner when Larry shouted;


I'm glad everyone played along... that could have been bad if they didn't.

After we had all settled in our seats we payed more attention to the teacher now then how strange we were acting and actually got some knowledge in our heads.

When eighth period was over we all walked together. Larry, then Sal, then me, and Travis at the end, all walking beside each other, I slipped a note to Travis that said;

'If your dad gets violent your always welcome at mine and Larry's apartment! Just send a quick text and I'll meet you at the front of Addison's apartments, k?'

He quickly wrote down something and handed the paper back to me;

'Thx, your the best friend I could ever ask for.'

I smiled at him before shoving the paper in my back pocket and refocusing on the conversation Sal and Larry were having;

"No, because sanity's falls is so much better then my chemical romance!!!"

"Ehh, whatever you have to tell yourself"

'Yeah, no, never mind I'm not listening to that'

I thought to myself before reaching into my bag and grabbing my earbuds and phone to put music on. Once I had my music going Sal turned to me and said;

"Cant you agree that at least some my chemical romance songs are better then Sanity's falls!?!?"

"No, don't drag me into this, I was never in that conversation, that question is a lose lose for me, if I say my chemical romance then larry will be mad at me and if I say sanity's falls your gonna be mad at me!" I said before putting it the second earbud.

~hehe, yayyy back on track with the real story line!~

(1080 words)

~have a good rest of your night or day, thanks for reading this chapter, and see you later~

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