Ch.29 ~ what the actual f*ck?

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~this chapter is kinda chaotic at the end so good luck with the cliff hanger<3~

~hehehehe, I'm pretty sure you all got who it was even if you guys didn't comment cus I made the blond hair thing too obvious....~


Me and Sal both walked back to Larry, Lisa, and I's apartment and knocked on Larry's door.

'End of recap'


We had been hanging out in Larry's room when Sal had to go back to his apartment. Me and Larry talked for a bit until he said he was going to go to sleep;

"Dude, it's like 8:40. Your such an old man!"

"No I'm not! I'm just tired!"

"Ok, sure, sure, but I'm going to leave you alone in here to 'sleep' it's not like I saw Ashley hiding under the bed the entire time Sal and I were here."

" *///////* DUDE-"

I didn't get to hear the rest of his sentence because I had shut the door.

I walked to my room and shut the door behind me, plopping onto my bed. I was bored so I decided to read a book until I got tired, which happened fairly quickly because the last thing I remember before being woken up by Sal was reading the first word of the page I had left off in before.

"Yyyyyy/nnnnnnnnn, wakeeee uppppppp!! Larry and Ashley are hanging out and I don't want to ruin their bonding time so let's have bonding timeeeeee!!!!!"

"....yeah, yeah, I will get up. now can you please leave so I can't get dressed?"

"Awwww, I was really looking forward to that bonding time~"

"Oh my god, Sal, you horny basterd, get out so i can change!"

"Ehh, worth a shot." He said as he walked out of my room with a skip in his step.

Once he was gone I walked into my closet and picked out some clothes that matched my style and threw a hoodie on over it before walking out of my closet and into my room grabbing my phone and pocket knife, putting them into a small backpack and walking out of my room.

"Ooooohhh~ your lookin extra hot in that outfit~"

"Blueberry boy, I wear this stuff like every other day, stop trying so hard to get laid."

I could hear a chuckle coming from the corner but apparently Sal didn't so I told him I would be right back.

I knew who was behind the corner and he was supposed to be with his girlfriend, so I snuck behind him and scared him by saying;

"Hey lar bear, whatcha lookin at?"

There was a visible jump from Larry and he quickly spun around.

"Your supposed to be with your lovely girlfriend, not spying on me and Sal."

"Eheh, ehehe, abt that..." he said scratching the back of his neck.

"Larry! You did not!"

"I ummm, I kinda did..."

I looked at him with the most disappointed face I could muster.

" *sigh* Where is she?"



At this point sal had heard me and sped walked/ran over to us as I was storming off, holding Larry's ear harshly, practically dragging him outside so I would not disturb the resents in Addison's apartments with my yelling.

Once we had gotten to the doors I kindly told sal to wait there since I didn't want him to have to endure mine and Larry's arguing. So with that, me still holding/dragging Larry by the ear, we left the building and sped walked farther away from the building just in case.

"YOU FUCKING IDIOT, YOU LEFT HER TO WALK HOME BY HERSELF AND YOU DONT EVEN KNOW WHERE SHE LIVES!?!?!? YA KNOW WHAT, IM GONNA GO FIND HER." I pulled Larry's ear closer to my mouth so he could hear me as I whispered the next part;

"Would you mind telling me what the date is?!"

"U-umm, March t-the 7th"

"Right, And god help me, if Ashley is in ANY danger or hurt in ANY way, your not gonna be leaving the hospital until December! Do you understand!?"


I stopped holding his ear and started to walk away saying;

"This argument isn't over, trust me, once Sal leaves, your getting a piece of my mind!"

And like that I was off to find ash.

(About 30 minutes later)

'Why am I always the one who gets these dumb asses out of trouble?' I thought to myself as I was quietly entering the nearly abandoned building.

Now just to find Ashley.... But first I better get my pocket knife ready just in case.

I quietly and quickly flipped open the knife and somewhat hid it behind my leg, that was when someone grabbed my shoulder and put a rag infront of my mouth, this triggered my flight or fight response and I jabbed them in the leg with my knife, which was fairly easy. The person stumbled back and let go of me, clutching their leg.

"Jesus Christ that was hot babe~" the person said.


"Yep, that's my name, but it would suit you much better if you were screaming it in bed~"

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you!? You just got stabbed in the leg and all you can think about is sex!?!? Are you okay?! Yeah that's a dumb question, ofc your not okay you just got stabbed!"

I said in a panic. Sal grabbed my hand and tried to make me calm down but much to his dismay it failed only making me think he was insane.

I quickly stripped off my hoodie and started to wrap it around his stab wound knowing that in a bit, the blood would be Gone anyways;

"Wait, but won't that stain your hoodie!?"

"Believe it or not you are like the only person in this world besides Lisa that I love more then my hoodies."

"Aww that's so sweet of you!"

"Ehh, it's only the truth!"

Once I had the wound wrapped I stood back up and quickly put my hand behind sals neck, ripping the chip (technology not food) from its resting place.
~hehe, your all gonna like the next chapter when I post it, also srry for not posting for a bit I've just been busy and unmotivated~

(1055 words)

~have a good rest of your night or day, thanks for reading this chapter, and see you later~

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