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The house was incredibly full. Yasmeen's head felt like it would soon explode from the incessant clamoring in the house, along with her naughty nephews and nieces constantly screaming and running around. The adults that would not stop teasing her, murmuring to one another were not to talk of. She was already drained from sitting three whole hours for her henna to be done. Her bladder was full, she needed to relieve herself. She blamed herself however for the urge coming so early, after helping herself to little Balu's bottle of water. Here she was now, doing everything she could, not to wet herself where she sat. Her feet were freezing from the cold henna on them. She couldn't feel her toes.

Yasmeen knew Kolo was ignoring her, because Yasmeen had sent for her, twice and she hadn't shown up yet.

Yasmeen now exasperated, tore the wrapping on her right hand with her teeth and began to peel the henna and tapes into the bowl of mixed henna next to her.

The room was empty at that time, everyone had gone downstairs as ganga( drumming) had begun. She was glad that no one would stop her from removing the henna ten minutes earlier than she was instructed to.

" I will never do this thing again." Yasmeen said practically scratching her skin off. Why did she have to go through all this? And the fact that Aishe was absent made it worse.

Yasmeen was murmuring to herself when Hajju came in.

" Yasmeen." The older woman beamed when their eyes met. She was brimming with joy and pride seeing her granddaughter becoming a typical bride." My little girl." Hajju sat next to her on the mattress."You are glowing like the bride you are."

Hajju touched Yasmeen's face lovingly.

" Hajju." Yasmeen held her grandmother, her eyes tearing up from the emotion she felt, seeing her grandmother so happy. She had never seen her that happy before.


Hajju only sniffed. She was crying, and it got Yasmeen worked up.

" Hajju are you crying?" Yasmeen asked, concerned. " Is it because of my brother? They will find him Hajju, my father is doing everything-...."

" No Yasmeen." Hajju drew back from the hug, wiping her tears." I am not crying because of your brother. I am just happy that I lived to see this day."

Hajju touched Yasmeen's face again, caressing her chin." I feel so blessed living to see all of my children marry, and seeing even more grandchildren than I expected......."

Yasmeen smiled, her heart filling." Hajju you are not that old."

" Oh I may not look like it but I am old. Most of my friends are dead." Hajju laughed painfully.

Yasmeen laughed too, then held Hajju's hand." I want you to live forever."

" God forbid, child!"

" Come on Hajju! I want you to see my grandchildren." Yasmeen giggled." I will keep praying for you to live forever."

" You will take that back!" Hajju turned serious for a moment, ending it with a playful pinch on Yasmeen's cheek.

The air had shifted to a playful one. Hajju made Yasmeen laugh hard that she almost peed herself there, on the mattress.

She was grateful that Kolo had returned finally take the henna off her legs.

" I am hungry. I need tea." Yasmeen shifted herself handsfree to the edge of the mattress

" You need food, not tea. I'll bring you a plate of spaghetti."

" I don't want to eat spaghetti!"She said as she stood up weakly. She didn't care for the rug that would stain from the remaining henna stuck on her feet, she just needed to empty her bladder at the moment, ignoring Kolo's protests.

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