~Chapter 7~

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I woke up wrapped in his arms I can't describe how it feels to be loved by this boy we know each other for 2weeks but it feels like 10years. I don't know if it is really safe to be together after 2weeks but it is a love at first sign. I love him and I have loved him before he even knew who I was because I have been an United fan since kid you know my family
Is a United fan family.

It goes by 2weeks and you have told your family about you dating and friends but not internet and fans yet.

Lucia povs:

It is a early morning I woke up in my apartment and smelled pancakes. I went to the kitchen to se Maria standing and making pancakes.

" Morning!" Maria said happy.

" good morning" I said yawing.

" are you tired!" Maria said.

" oh I am but I don't know at the same time I feel like a egg." I said.

" egg?" Maria said confused.

" yeah and egg since and egg can turn to many things and I feel bad" I said yawning.

" let me check your fever" Maria said while grabbing the machine and it turns out I have high fever.
" Lucia your having a high fever "

" no!!! It can't be I wanna go shopping today!"

" no stay home I will meet Marcus today but go in bed and I will serve you food" she said smiling

After I ate Maria left to go to Marcus's car.

" hey!" Maria said to Marcus and garnacho.
" where is Lucia?" Garnacho asked.

" oh she is sick she is having a really high fever."

" What? I will stay whit her! " he said worried.

" ok!"

Back to Lucia!.

So I wanted to go shopping so I sneaked out off the bed got dressed and grabbed my purse.
I walked down the street when I saw Marcus's car and garnacho got out. So I turned and walked the other way suddenly I heard someone scream my name.

" Lucia!"

" oh hey..!"

" why are you out here when your sick!"

" ugly I'm not sick I just got better!!" I said lieing.

" oh sweetie I see your lieing come whit me and we go inside your house again and get you to bed." He said.

" ok... I just wanted to go shopping" I said while garnacho took his arm around my waist.

" oh Lucia but not when your sick" he said.

We walked inside and I changed to some sweat pants . Garnacho had tucked me into bed and he sat next to me and I eventually fell asleep on his chest.

1hour later...

I woke up and saw him sleeping.

I whispered to myself " i love him so much and when I see him like that I wanna kiss him so badly" I said whispering to myself.

" so do it then" he said
" what you heard me?" I said nervously

" of course just kiss me mi amor" he said.

" but I don't want you getting sick!"

" oh you won't I never get sick" he said pulling me into a kiss.

" mhm I liked that" I said winking.

" when you wink it just seems weird" he said gross.

" Hahaha!" I laughed.

"Mi amor do you wanna go over to mine?"

" yeah I would like that it is a little bigger then this place.." I said.

" a little bigger" he said laughing.

" I mean much bigger" i said laughing back.

I Already have like half off my clothes their at his house. And I have my own makeup place there and he made it like my second home. I love it.

After we took an Uber to his house I went right to his couch. " my favourite spot" I said jumping down in his couch,s corner. " I know it is your favourite spot" he said laughing.
" do you have a temp so I can see my fever temperature!" I said
" yeah wait a second" he said running to his kitchen.
" here you're temp mi amor" said while kissing me.

" thanks nacho" I said while checking my temp.
" what is it?"
" I still have a high one.." I said sad.

" mi amor it is ok you will get better!"

" can you come I wanna hug you" I said whit puppy eyes.
He jumped in the couch right next to me and we both fell asleep for like 2hours.

" mi amor wake up! Are you hungry you probably haven't ate since breakfast." He said .
" no is ok I didn't eat much breakfast because I don't fell like eating " I said

" oh please take some food we can go to McDonald's!" He said

" ok call  Marcus and Maria they will probably go whit us." I said

" of course" he said smiling.

I normally wouldn't eat right now if I were home alone but I don't wanna make him disappointed or sad or worried I will do anything for him.

Hey sorry for a boring part I will make a better whit some drama tomorrow ❤️

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