1 | Journey Home

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Heya everyone AJ here and
This is just my 2nd fanfic ever so I'm sorry if It's bad or some things aren't right
If you have any criticism or anything to say leave it in the comments
I don't know how many chapters this will have but it'll depend on how satisfied i am with what I'm writing.
Only sure shipping is shipping of lillie and ash.
Do note that I'm a multishipper so it's not like i only ship lillie and ash.
And yes i know an ash betrayed fanfiction is kinda cliché or doesn't make any sense since all his friends love him, support him and believe in him all the way through but just read the story all the way through the end and you'll see why they did what they did in this fanfiction.

Ages of the characters:

Ash: 15
Serena: 15
Clemont: 15
Bonnie: 9
Max: 9
Gary: 15
Brock: 17
Cilan: 17
Iris: 15
Paul: 15
Trip: 15
Drew: 15
Barry: 16

Now onward to adventure!


After the kalos league

Ash's Pov

"You sure you guys want to come with me back to pallet town?" I asked clemont, bonnie and serena.

"Of course! We wanna celebrate with you on your placing you got 2nd place after all and I wanna meet all the pokémon you've caught!" Bonnie replied with a big smile on her face.

"She's right ash, you getting 2nd place is something we should celebrate together and this means we get to travel for a little bit longer" Clemont said.

"Yeah.. And I've been wanting to see pallet town again" Serena replied with a spaced out look on her face.

"What's wrong with serena?" I thought to myself.

We walked for a good while on our way to the airport reminiscing about our journey through the kalos region and about all the pokémon bonnie would get to see in professor oak's laboratory, It went on for awhile till my mind drifted back to my lost to alain and his charizard.

"Too bad I lost again though, I thought for sure I'd win this time" I stated while looking up at the sky pondering what went wrong.

"Don't get too bumbed about it ash, you still got into 2nd place remember and that's a pretty high achievement itself" Clemont stated as a matter of fact trying to cheer me up.

"Yeah clemont's right! And you and greninja were totally awesome out there in that battle!" Bonnie said enthusiastically with sparkles in her eyes.

Serena was mostly quiet during the conversation but I thought she was just tired so I decided not to say anything against it for now.

"Thanks you guys I needed that, and you're right I shouldn't be bummed out, this is the farthest I've gone in a league and next time I'll make sure I win!" I said while grinning and pumping my fist in the air.

"Yeah that's the way!" Bonnie exclaimed while copying me and pumping my fist up in the air.

We finally reached the airport
And took off for pallet town.
It's going to be great to be back home
Or so I thought to myself at the time as the plane was taking off.

Serena's Pov

"I feel awful about what's going to happen soon when we reach pallet town" I thought to myself while looking out the window.

I looked to see clemont who was sitting on the other side of ash, he also looked a bit distraught about what's going to happen but hid it better than I could.

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