32 | Recovery

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Welcome to another chapter of A True Hero and Champion! Last we left our heroes, they had just gotten back from an epic battle with team rocket grunts, and had gone back to the pokemon center to alert everyone that It was safe again, but then they had another encounter with the traitors, ash had exposed may's sexuality to everyone and she got upset, as a result she battled ash and had won, but ash had ended up unconscious in the hospital as well as his greninja and eevee due to may possibly drugging her pokemon, what will become of our heroes now? You'll find out!

Now onward to adventure!


Lillie's POV

We had hurried ash to the hospital as fast as we could, we waited and waited outside the emergency room for what seemed like hours, everyone never left because we were all worried about ash's well being.

"Hey everyone I have good news and bad news." A doctor suddenly came out of the room and came up to us, "Okay so ash will be just fine as his injuries have been treated, now the bad news is that his head was hit pretty hard I presume, He was bleeding from there so he'll be unconscious for awhile I'm afraid, but other than that he'll be alright." He finished, and we all sighed in relief as if we haven't been breathing since we got here.

"Can we see him doctor?" Professor kukui asked the kind doctor, he pondered for a moment for an answer before he nodded, "Yes you can all see him now, but visiting hours are almost over so just a short talk and you'll all have to leave alright?" He told us and we all nodded, we all walked inside the room and what we saw inside made us all a bit scared for what could happen next.

Ash was unconscious in bed, bandages around his head as well as his arm, he seemed okay but we all feel useless for not being able stop him from being here in the first place, In this state he's currently in.

"Hey ash.. I'm glad you're okay.." I was the first one to spoke up as I walked up to his bed and sat down next to him, I tried not to cry at the sight of my boyfriend laying unconscious on bed, I held his hand tightly in mine and let the others speak their piece.

Pikachu jumped onto ash's bed and touched his face, he gently licked it as he said, "Pi pika pi, pikachu pika." He said, I did not understand any of that but if ash were here, He'd understand it, But I know pikachu definitely misses it's trainer.

"Hey big brother.. I'm glad the nice doctor said you'll be fine.. but I'm upset at how I couldn't do anything in that battle with May.." Next was Bonnie who admitted how she felt about all this, she hugged Ash's body on the bed as she silently cried on him probably wishing he could hear her.

"Hey you doofus.. You're always so reckless aren't you.. always jumping onto situations as if you're some God who can survive anything.. why do you have to do that everytime.." Added her own piece, dawn hid her face as she hugged her piplup, "Well I guess you wouldn't be the Ash I knew and traveled with if you didn't risk your life for both people and pokemon.." She finished as she had a few tears in her eyes, Mallow and lana came to her side and put both of their arms around her, Mallow on her shoulder, lana on her waist.

We all agreed with dawn's piece, if anything, ash is the most selfless person out there.

Suddenly the door flew open, and in came, gladion, kiawe, Ash's mom and professor burnet.

"Ash!" Deila, and professor burnet both yelled as they immediately came to ash's side with teary faces.

"Is he going to be okay..?" They both asked as their voices cracked, "Yeah he'll be just fine honey and deila, he'll just be unconscious for awhile the doctor told us." Professor kukui told both of them as he hugged them both, they reciprocated happily.

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