2 | Escaping

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Ash's POV

The traitors blocked our way out of the house and surrounded all of us, This wasn't good at all.
We had to get out of here.

"You're not going anywhere ash! Go psyduck!" Misty threw her pokeball and out came her pokemon psyduck.
Psyduck was confused by what misty is trying to do, well it's always confused but more so this time.

"Use watergun and blast them!" Misty commanded her pokemon, psyduck was having 2nd thoughts since we were his friends but had to obey it's trainer and started gathering water from it's mouth and blasted it to us.

"Not so fast, piplup counter with bubblebeam!" Dawn commanded her piplup as it jumped out of her arms and blasted bubblebeam at the incoming watergun.

The impact from dawn's bubblebeam had countered misty's psyducks watergun and misty was getting mad.

"Pikachu help us out and aim thunderbolt at their feet!" Pikachu jumped off from my shoulder and obeyed my command and proceeded to aim his thunderbolt.

The thunderbolt had caused a slight explosion and smoke to happen and gave us an opportunity to escape from the traitors.

"Wait get back here ash!" The traitors yelled as they were blinded by the smoke.

"Mom and everyone who's with me let's get out of here while we can!" I told them as I run outside the door.

Mom, gary, paul, brock, max, dawn and Bonnie proceeded to run and follow me.
I run towards professor oak's laboratory In hopes that he still believes in me, and to get my pokémon and prove them wrong.

We were approaching the laboratory and got to the door, I knocked in hopes the professor was here and could help us.

"Professor oak, It's me ash are you here?" I called out and waited for an answer.

The door opened and professor oak came out and saw it was us.

"Ash my boy, you're here, I heard your placing in the kalos league and I have to say I'm very proud of how far you've come, but weren't you all supposed to be at delia's house celebrating?" Professor oak asked confused why we came here.

"Thanks professor oak atleast you feel that way, and we're here cause we need your help" I admitted to professor oak which I can tell confused him even more.

"Alright? Well let's head inside and you can tell me what's wrong." Professor oak offered as he noticed the upset look on my face.

Professor Oak's POV

Ash suddenly showed up to my laboratory looking upset and I wondered to myself why that was but I'm sure he'll tell me what happened in a bit.
After they all went inside my laboratory, we all had a sit so we can talk about it, tracey was also here.

"So what happened?" I asked them all.

The one to answer me first was brock
And proceeded to explain the situation.

I was shocked and mad that they would do that to a trainer like ash especially since ash helped them lots of time, Ash was a very promising trainer and yet they had the nerve to do this.

"I can't believe they'd do that! Especially misty! You're one of the strongest trainers I know and I got to be with professor oak cause of you! Tracey stated in disappointment to the traitors.

"I'm really sorry ash but don't listen to them go and make your dream come true you hear me? And I'm guessing you want to go to a new region to prove them wrong." I assumed.

"That's exactly right professor, is there any chance I can take all my pokemon with me so the traitors won't do anything, and do you know any region I can take on?" Ash asked me with sad but hoping eyes.

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