7 | The Traitors Part 1

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This will tell the story from the traitors perspective after ash and the others flew off to the alola region in chapter 2 and 3.


With the traitors:

Misty's POV

Ash got away with the others on his flying pokemon, and by the time the haze went away they were all long gone.
I was pissed but with almost none of us having a flying pokemon or having a clue to where they went, we couldn't follow them.
But that professor oak may know where they went.

"What are we going to do?! They got away!" The boy named trip said in frustration.

"Way to state the obvious trip." Iris said while rolling her eyes.

"Now just calm down you two." Cilan tried to stop both trip and iris before they buttheads with each other.

"Let's go see if professor oak will tell us where they went." I said to them and they all followed me back inside the laboratory.

We went to professor who was sitting on the couch with tracey after we beat them in battle to chase after ash.

"Ash got away right?" Oak said while smirking.

"Shut up old man." Trip told the professor as he was getting more frustrated by the minute.

"Tell us where ash went now!" Barry yelled at the professor, he definitely seems like the impatient type I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes.

"Like we'd ever tell you! You guys shouldn't have done that to him! He helped all of you I'm especially disappointed in you misty!" Tracey yelled at me in frustration of what we did but I didn't care at the moment.

"Just tell us where they went or we'll use force." May said as an attempt to blackmail while holding a pokeball in her hand.

"Do you really want to do that? Attacking a professor and his assistant will get your trainer licenses provoked and you arrested." Professor oak stated while smirking at us knowing we couldn't take the risk.

We all just decided to leave and go back to our own regions for now until we can figure out where ash went.
This is frustrating.

Professor Oak's POV

( The next day )

Me and Tracey finally finished cleaning up the mess the traitors made and were now going to discuss the next course of action.

"So what do we do about the traitors?" Tracey asked as he was preparing tea.

"I'll call their parents and tell them what they did, hopefully that'll keep the traitors busy." I said as I drank the tea.

I went to the phone and proceeded to call the numbers of all the traitors parents, I'll also call the professors of the their region too while I'm at it.

I first called Misty's sisters at the cerulean gym and explained the situation.
They were disappointed at misty for betraying a trainer like ash.

Next I called the petalburg gym, apparently ash and the others already told them about what happened and promised to talk to may when she gets back.
And then I called professor burch to tell him what happened.

I called professor rowan and juniper next so they can keep an eye on barry and trip, as well provoke their trainer license if necessary.
I called striaton gym next and talked to cilan's bothers, they were beyond mad because ash showed them a battle with a lot of flavor and style that made them really like ash.
I also called drayden, and explained to him what iris did, and he was beyond mad and was going to make sure Iris couldn't be his student anymore.

Next I called meyer in lumiose city and apparently ash and the others also told him what happened, and meyer told me he plans to go to alola soon to see bonnie and his wife, which I didn't even know he had one.
I called professor sycamore as well and made sure he kept an eye on serena, and last I called serena's mother and she was very shocked and disappointed that her daughter would do something like this.

"There I'm done, now they won't be able to do whatever they want unless they do it by force." I told Tracey as I went to sit back then.

"That's great, now all we do is wait." Tracey said as he continued to do his assistant work.

Misty's POV

That damn professor told my sisters!
Now they've kicked me out of the gym.
Now I'm just heading to hoenn, maybe may has better luck than I do.

"Why do they believe in ash so much." I asked in frustration as I kicked a can I saw.

May's POV

We all decided to go home for now, and Right now I'm at the petalburg gym hoping to just sleep but when I walked through the door I saw my parents they looked mad.

"Uhm hey mom and dad..? I just came home from congratulating ash" I said feeling anxious all of the sudden, they couldn't have found out about the betrayal right..?

"Drop the act, we know what you did to ash, And All we can say is we're truly disappointed may, even your brother made a better decision than you." Dad said with an angry expression on his face.

"Ash helped you in your contests, and saved the world lots of times and you do this to him." Mom told me while shaking her head left and right.

"But he was weak! He lost 6 leagues in a row!" I yelled at them, how could they side with him.

"Being a pokémon master isn't all about winning or losing a league a couple times, and didn't he win the battle frontier and the orange island league?" Dad stated.

"So what?! Those aren't even that well known." I said to them.

"Go to your room now and think about what you've done, you're grounded and don't even think about seeing drew." Dad said as he had enough.

"B-but dad.." I began as I didn't want to be stuck in my room we still had to find ash and his friends.

"Listen to your father may, now or we'll prevent you from entering contests ever again." My mom admitted to me, And that hit hard.

I couldn't disobey, contests were my life and I couldn't bear the thought of not entering ever again.
Ugh stupid ash and his lame friends I thought as I layed faced down on my bed in frustration.


Well this is the end of the chapter!
What will the traitors do now as they are all in trouble when they get back home.
Will they continue pursuing ash? Will they go over the line just to prove he's weak?
Stay tuned to find out!
As the journey continues!

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