26 | Lush Jungle

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Welcome back to another chapter of A True Hero and Champion!

When we last left our heroes, they just cleared the fire trial on wela volcano, with ash suddenly getting a vision of greninja with the Z cores, and team rocket being abducted, what will become of our heroes now?

Stick around to find out!
Now onward to adventure!

Ash's Pokemon:



3rd POV

After taking a rest for a few hours on the way, we see is our heroes in the middle of a forest making their way to the next trial, in a place called lush jungle, with mallow as their guide, their adventure continues.

"Remind me again why you're the guide mallow?" Lana asked while pouting, remembering how mallow didn't believe her when she said It was her who was leading the water trial a few days prior.

"Because my cousin who's the current trial captain isn't here, so after she found out a friend of mine, that's ash, was gonna be taking the trial, she said I could do it in her place for today." Mallow explained again as she giggled with her arms around lana, dawn was beside them just admiring the scenery.

"So are you going to be a trial captain mallow?" Dawn asked her grass type trainer partner who pondered on the question asked.

"Eh I don't know, my dream is to make my family restaurant, the best restaurant, and make the most delicious foods you've tasted yet! But if I could do both then I guess why not right?" Mallow said with enthusiasm, her partner steenee agreed.

"Yeah! And I know you'll make it come true!" Dawn agreed as well and gave mallow a kiss on the cheek, Lana who was on the other side had a flushed face and looked down causing dawn and mallow to giggle at the shy girl.

"I wish we could be like that.." Lillie whispered as she was next to ash, ash however..

"Like what?" He asked confused, everyone who heard the conversation just face falmed at his idiotic answer and felt bad for lillie, gladion however was being restrained by moon.

"Calm down you emo boy." Moon said as she hit gladion slightly on the arm, he glared at her but knew better than to fight back against moon.

"Nevermind! It was nothing just forget it!" Lillie shouted and huffed her red cheeks.

"What? What did I do?" Ash asked confused and irritated at the sudden outburst of his partner, everyone just sighed.

"Be quiet love birds, we're here!" Mallow announced as she posed infront of a trial gate in the jungle.

"Welcome to my trial site! Lush jungle!" Mallow dramatically announced just for the effect of it.

"Great, so let's head in, I'm getting older by the minute." Gladion said as he walked inside, everyone laughed at his usual attitude but nonetheless followed him.

They walked until they got into the center of the jungle, and what they saw, was something they wouldn't have expected when they first got here on this island, but now they did expect it knowing mallow would be the substitute trial captain for today.

"A big pot?" Sophocles asked unamused knowing mallow loved cooking.

"Yeah got a problem?" Mallow asked with a dangerous looking smile, "N-no of course not." Sophocles quickly answered to save himself, we all laughed a bit.

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