29 | Trouble Brewing

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Welcome to a new chapter of A True Hero and Champion!
Last we left our heroes ash had cleared the trials of akala island with a close battle with olivia's Lycanroc, they are now planning to head back to mele mele island to reunite with bonnie, max, paul and gary as well as professor burnet and delia!
But is that all?

Now onward to adventure!


Ash's POV

We went back to the hotel to get some goodnights rest for our return tomorrow, I thought it would have been normal like any other day but it wasn't.

It was night and I woke up but It was dark all around me, I looked left and right but there was nothing but darkness, I must have been dreaming I thought, suddenly then I heard someone.

"Chosen one.." A echoing voice called out to me, It was a familiar voice, one I haven't heard since arriving here in alola.

"Arceus?" I called out, from the pitch of darkness, a figure came out, It was the god pokemon arceus.

"Ash?" I heard someone call me, when I looked to my side, I saw lillie, but not just her, everyone was here, even max, bonnie, gary and paul were here, I was so confused.

"What's going on? Is this a dream?" Bonnie asked as she scanned around to see everyone, "But it feels so real doesn't it?" Max added as he kept moving around, everyone seemed to agree.

"Chosen one and his companions please listen to me." Arceus made his presence known and everyone was in shock to see the god himself.

"Arceus?!" Dawn shouted as she looked infront of her, everyone was speechless too.

"Yes, but listen to me now and carefully." We didn't know what was going on but we knew it was important if arceus himself was here so we all nodded, "You have to head back to mele mele island as soon as possible dear humans, there is a great crisis about to befall the island and it's natives, with your presence from the island gone, a great evil chose to strike knowing you wouldn't be there, but there is still time so please hurry chosen one." He explained as he started to fade away in the darkness.

"Wait! Come back! What do you mean?!" I shouted for an answer but everything began to shake, we all screamed as we began to fall down the pit of darkness.

We all then woke up with a jolt at the same time sweating and looked at each other in panic.

"Well I guess you now know I'm the chosen one." I started with a serious face, "Actually we knew for awhile.." Dawn started as she looked away, my eyes grew in shock, "How would you-" I tried asking, everyone seemed to know by how they all weren't fazed.

"We'll talk about that some other time, but That wasn't a dream was it?" Moon started with a nervous weird face but switched to a serious one almost too quickly, she was the first to speak up about the situation, "Our families are there! We have to do something!" Lana, kiawe and mallow all shouted in unison.

"Bonnie, max, gary and Paul are there too! If what arceus said is true we don't have a minute to waste!" Lillie added.

"No crap, we have to head back now before something happens!" Gladion shouted in panic as he stood up, we all followed and gathered our things immediately, with that we run out of the hotel.

I quickly called bonnie, max, gary and paul, when they answered they had a terrified look on their face.

"It wasn't a dream right ash?" Bonnie asked in a voice full of fear, I slowly nodded and they looked at each other.

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