8 | The Traitors Part 2

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Welcome to the continuation of the previous chapter!
Misty and may have both be shunned by their sisters and parents.
What will become of the 2 traitors?
And what about the other traitors?
We'll find out soon enough!

Now onward to adventure!


Cilan's POV

Apparently professor oak called my brother's at the gym, now they don't even want to talk to me unless I apologize or realize my actions.
Maybe I was wrong.. I don't know..
Now they've kicked me out of the gym and now I was just walking to maybe see Iris and see if she got kicked out too.
As I was making my way drayden's gym in opelucid city, I spot a familiar purple haired Connaisseuse.

"Burgundy?" I asked as I got closer and It indeed was burgundy, I didn't think I'd run into her but just then she put a hand infront of her as I walked up and stopped me.

"Don't even think about talking to me, I know what you did cilan and I'm honestly disappointed." Burgundy explained to me and my eyes got wide.
How could she have found out..?

"If you're wondering how I found out, I heard from professor juniper and your brothers when I went to look for you, I haven't known ash for long but I could tell he was a good trainer and was good to his pokémon as a fellow connoisseur you should know that."Burgundy explained and then walked away before I could explain myself.

I couldn't believe it that even burgundy shunned me, It left a very distasteful feeling in my mouth.
But I had to continue my way to Iris.

I arrived in opelucid city and just as I was about to find Iris, I bummed into her on the streets and she looked like she had been crying.

"Iris? What happened?" I asked her out of concern.

"Drayden kicked me out of the gym and now he doesn't want me to be his student anymore! Even gorgia who came by was also mad!" Iris shouted in frustration at me.
I couldn't believe it when I heard it.
I feel bad for Iris.

"This is all ash's fault, Let's go meet the others and find where that kid went." Iris was desperate to prove the others wrong, and honestly I feel kind of bad for ash now.
Probably ever since burgundy talked to me.
But I couldn't leave iris alone so I said I'd go with her of course.
And we made our way to the pokémon center to call the others.

Trip's POV

I went back to the unova region and went on my way back to my home town but I first stopped at professor junipers research lab to check on all my pokémon.
I entered the lab and called out professor juniper.

"Trip what are you doing here?" She asked me somewhat coldly, why though.

"I'm here to check on my pokémon?" I told her somewhat unsure if she's upset or just not in the mood or something.

"Well you're not welcome here after professor oak told me what you did to ash." She told me with a cold expression on her face.
Damn it professor oak, why does she believe in him, He was an awful trainer.

"But he was a loser! He kept losing league after league!" I yelled in frustration for people sticking by him than us.

"So what if he lost, he loved pokémon and treated them as family, he won many battles even those that seemed impossible to win, and helped saved the world more times than any other people." She explained to me and proceeded to kick me out of the lab with all the pokemon I had left there.

Clemont's POV

After ash fled the laboratory we all decided to go home until we can find out where he is.
So now I'm back at lumiose city, and without bonnie.
What am I going to tell dad, he'll get mad at me no matter what I say.
I thought about it as I entered dad's house.

"Hey dad I'm back, Bonnie didn't come back with me cause she went missing.. I'm sorry." I acted upset maybe he'll believe me.
Like hell he would but I couldn't think of anything else.

Meyer's POV

Clemont came home and told me a very obvious lie, the hell did he think I'd believe that and I thought he was the smart one.
I sighed in disappointment.

"Like hell I'd believe that crap, Cut the act clemont." I told him the truth as I was very upset at his actions towards ash and bonnie.

"How did you find out.." Clemont asked me.
I couldn't tell him bonnie told me first and then professor oak, it would make them want to find them and force me to tell them, well not like I would.

"Professor sycamore told me all about it and now you're going to be thinking about your actions while I go somewhere for the time being." I lied to him and was gonna go to alola to visit bonnie, ash, and my wife as well as planning to stay there.

"W-what?! Where are you going?" Clemont asked with curiosity probably hoping to find ash.

"I'm not telling you, maybe if you didn't do something as bad as betraying ash I would, now go back to your gym I don't want to see you right now." I told him.

"Okay.." He didn't put up much of a fight probably knowing he's not going to win it.
He left the house and as he did, I sighed again, how did things end up like this.
I didn't know when I would be allowed to go to alola but best be sure it's going to be soon.

Serena's POV

My mom was disappointed at me when I got home, apparently she learned about the betrayal from professor oak.
That professor, whatever it doesn't matter I'll still try and find ash, and maybe make him mine hopefully.
I felt bad about the whole thing but now I just want ash to see there's no point in continuing his journey and then I want him to settle down so we can be together.
But as my mom kicked me out I went to lumiose city to find clemont.
But as I got there I encountered shauna, tierno and Trevor.
Shauna looked pretty sad when she saw me, tierno looked mad and Trevor looked mad too.
Please don't tell me they found out too.

"Well if it isn't the traitor." Tierno started, I knew it.

"I didn't think you'd stoop so low serena." Trevor said in a small voice while playing with his camera.

"I thought you were better than that.. You were my friend and rival! But you decided to betray someone as amazing as ash and even attack him at professor oak's laboratory!" Shauna shouted at me with tears in her eyes.
I tried to reach for her hand but she moved back and tierno and trevor stood infront of her to stop me.

"P-please shauna listen to me I beg of you." I begged her, I couldn't lose her.
Damn you ash and professor oak!

"I'm sorry serena, don't ever talk to me again unless you make up for your actions." She told me as she turned away and walked away with tierno and trevor, My knees started shaking.
I just lost my rival and my friend.
I was feeling frustrated even more.
Professor oak and ash have done it now, I need to find clemont so we can think of our next course of action.

I went to the gym and there I found clemont sitting down just doing whatever with his invention as he's eyes look kind of dead.
And I probably know why.

"Your dad found out right?" I asked him as I went closer to him and sat down with him."

"Yep, now he doesn't even want to see me." He explained to me with a sad look.

"Let's go find ash then and make him pay!" I told him as we could get our old life back if we proved to the world he was weak.

"Serena we don't even known where ash and the others went." Clemont face palmed as he told me, honestly he was right and I hate it.
But I had to think of something.

"Let's go meet up with the others and see what they think." I told him and he just nodded, so we made our way to the local pokémon center to call everyone.


This is the end of the chapter!
What will become of traitors now?
Will they find out where ash is?
And what will they do next?
Stay tuned to find out!
As the journey continues!

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