17 | Vulpix And Rocket

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Today well find out what has become of the infamous trio!
They haven't appeared in awhile and it just wouldn't be the same without them, lillie will also finally get snowy!
Because Lillie has to have snowy after all.

Now onward to adventure!


Ash's POV

Lillie cried yesterday and for a long while too, I'm worried about her but well, Me and the gang are in the pokemon school today and she seems fine right now.

"Alright everyone take a seat, I have something to show you today." Professor kukui said as he entered the classroom, so we all stopped talking to each other and sat down.

"What are you going to show professor?" Paul asked, "Well today I'll be showing you an alolan form pokemon and it's kanto form for the lesson today and one of you will get catch it both after the lesson!" Professor kukui announced and we all shouted in excitement.

"Alright settle down, here is the pokémon." Professor kukui then proceeded to place a white vulpix on the table infront of us, "A white vulpix?" I asked.

"Yeah ash, In alola Vulpix are white and are ice types." Mallow explained, "Wow an ice type that's so cool!" I responded back to her.
"So that's an alola form pokémon." Paul said as he looked at the vulpix.
"Yeah I really wanna do some research on them." Gary said with an amused smile.
"It looks so cute!" Dawn added as she admired the pokémon, I laughed at same old dawn.

"Alright, now this is vulpix from the kanto region." Professor kukui then placed the vulpix I know on the table next to the white one.

"Vul!" It said, "Amazing, it's not white at all." Lana said as she examined the vulpix.
"I've read in books that kanto vulpix are fire types." Lillie stated.

"They're the complete opposites of each other." Sophocles added.
"He's got that right, one is fire while the other is an ice type." Brock added his own comment.
"If it's a fire type, It's gotta be strong." Kiawe said as he looked at Vulpix.

Professor kukui then proceeded to explain more about regional variant and why some pokémon are different in alola then other regions until he was done with the lesson.

Professor kukui clapped,"Alright everyone, since the lesson is over, one of you will get to keep the fire type vulpix while one of you will keep the ice type vulpix so better decide who gets to get what." He explained, we all looked at each other and already knew who'd get what.

"Lillie should get the white vulpix." Dawn started, lillie got startled at what said.
"W-what are you-" Before she could finish her sentence I spoke up, "Yeah I agree liliie should catch it."

"I agree with ash and dawn." Mallow and lana said as they raised their hands, everyone else agreed after that, "B-but why me I can't even touch pokémon." Lillie tried to refuse, "It's cause you can't touch pokémon that we want you to have it, besides it's white your favorite color lillie." Lana explained to lillie with a smile.

"Yeah she's right lillie, so why not catch it?" Dawn agreed with lana.
"I'm - but I-.. Fine I'll do it!" Lillie declared obviously wanting to overcome her fear.
"Here's a pokeball." Professor kukui said as he handed her the ball to catch the vulpix.

"Okay pokeball go!" She said as she threw the pokeball at vulpix, and within a few seconds she caught it, "I caught it? I caught it!" Lillie excitedly said as she picked up vulpix's pokeball and called it out, she looked at it for a few seconds before speaking.

"I'll call you snowy okay?" She told it, "Vul!" It said happily as it jumped into lillie's arms, "A-ahh!" Lillie shouted and she froze up, "Oh no she froze up from being scared." Brock stated the obvious, professor took snowy off lillie.
"I-I'm sorry snowy.. I can't touch pokémon after all." Lillie said as she lowered her head obviously sad, vulpix felt bad and said "Vul.." In a sad tone.

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