Part One - Chapter five: The Capitol.

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My eyes widened as the train doors slid open.
I was overwhelmed by everything that I saw.
It was all so.....
Big and fancy and very over the top.

I hated it.

I suddenly felt a pair of hands push me lightly out of the train. I had forgotten where I was and what I needed to do.

So, I put on my best innocent face and tried to look amazed by everything. I smiled at all the no people sweetly whilst Crimson smirked and cockily raised an eyebrow as we walked down the path into a huge building. When I say huge, I mean huge. Like one of the biggest buildings in the Capitol, that I could see.

We walked in with Ronnie following close behind. I clicked my fingers nervously as I stared around.

The room we were in was massive.
It was white with marble everywhere. There was a gold carpet in the middle with a statue on it. At either side of us we're golden staircases that seemed to lead to lifts, there was no way we could climb the whole building. It would take hours.

"Stop doing that! It makes people uncomfortable." Ronnie scolded.

I rolled my eyes subtly and sighed. Like I cared if it made people uncomfortable, I was the one who was going to die in a few days.

She led us up one of the staircases and ushered us into a lift.

"Well what do you think?" She inquired whilst pushing a button.

"I love it." Crimson stated whilst smirking again. There was something menacing about that smirk.
It wasn't like Finnicks that made you want to laugh and smile back, no. Crimson's made you want to step away from him, as if he was going to do something awful.

"Well they certainly love you two! Did you hear the shouts and cheers they gave you? I don't think I've ever had a pair of tributes that have had such a reaction!" She clapped her hands excitedly.

"Well lucky you." I muttered under my breath.

"What did you think Audrey?" She inquired.

"Um.... Well......" I didn't really know what to say.

Thankfully I was cut off by a ding and the elevator doors opening.

"Ah! We're here! This is your floor of the building. I will show you around and then, when Mags and Finnick get here, we can all watch the reapings!" She grinned. "This way." She gestured for us to follow her.

I sighed. I was already sick of this. I didn't want to be here. I wanted to be at home. In District Four with my brother in our house. Or on the beach watching the sunset.

But I knew I wouldn't get caught up feeling sorry for myself. So, I shook myself out of my thoughts and reluctantly followed Ronnie.

(That means time skip, idk if I mentioned that. I think I might have. Oh well.)

After showing us around an incredibly boring floor, which consisted of the same blue and white that I had seen for the past two days, Ronnie finally led us back into the living room. The only interesting parts of the floor had been the bed and the kitchen, cause they are where you eat and sleep and those were the only things I was interested in doing at that point.

My bedroom was in the middle of Mags and Finnicks, I don't know why they didn't put the tributes next to each other but I wasn't complaining that I wasn't next to Crimson. He annoyed me.

Sat in the living room were Finnick and Mags. They seemed to be engaged in a conversation. As soon as they saw us the talking died down, well Finnick stopped talking and Mags stopped signing. Finnick nodded at me and smiled. I gave him a weak smile back. I didn't really feel happy. I just felt overwhelmed and tired, even though it wasn't even lunchtime. An awkward silence settled over the group.

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