Part Two - Chapter Six: The start of it all.

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"My lady." Finnick held out his hand to help me down from the carriage.

"Why thank you kind sir!" I imitated a Capitol person, took his hand and jumped off.

I didn't hang around, I wanted to get out of that hall, away from the prying eyes of the Capitol.

We had just been through the opening ceremony. It was as awful as the first time, if not worse. And Snows speech, good god. I wanted to shoot myself. I actually wanted to magically form a gun and shoot myself then and there.

I mean, it was so depressing! Honestly, come on! We're about to be sent to our deaths which, I know, is a serious matter. But at least put a few jokes in there! Or even just a warm and meaningful sentence. But no, depression. Depression is what he decided to go for. It didn't surprise me honestly. He never did.

As we entered the hallway and started walking to the elevator, I was stopped by someone calling my name. "Rheya! Audrey!" They yelled.

I turned to see Haymitch Abernathy coming toward me, surprisingly he didn't look too drunk.

I smiled and waved as he reached us.

"How are ya? It's been a while." He put his arm around me.

"Uh, well as good as I possibly could be I guess." I shrugged.

Me and Haymitch had met on my victory tour and had immediately taken a liking to each other. He had become sort of like a father figure to me, although we only saw each other a few times.

"Well, I wanted to introduce you to my tributes, I don't know if you've met them yet, but they seem to have ran off. Oh well, you'll meet them at training I'm sure." He looked around for Katniss and Peeta.

"Uh yeah I did meet them actually, only briefly though." I nodded.

"Oh really? I hope Katniss didn't scare you off." He rolled his eyes.

"No she was okay, if anything Finnick scared her off." I raised an eyebrow at Finnick who was standing next to me.

"Hey! I was just being me. Not my fault if she didn't like it. She's just weird or something." He shrugged.

"Or..... maybe you have to realise that not every woman is gonna like you. I think she was immune to your charm." I told him.

He opened and closed his mouth a couple of times, trying to figure out what to say, but in the end just gave up and huffed.

I snickered and looked back to Haymitch.

"She's got a point." He looked pointedly at Finnick.
"Oh, I was hoping to ask you something."

"Uh sure... what is it?" I asked.

"Not here. Meet me on the roof tonight? Both of you?" He lowered his voice and looked at the two of us.

"Okay? Can I ask why?" Finnick raised an eyebrow.

"No, not here. They're always listening here." He explained.

Finnick turned to look at me.

I shrugged, "Alright. What time?"


"Okay, see you then."

We all nodded and walked away.

"That was weird." Finnick said.

"Yeah but I'm sure he had a good reason, or he would have asked us there."

"Mhm, yeah but you gotta admit that was a bit weird." He shrugged.

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