Part Two - Chapter Four: Satan's Palace.

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"Are you two nervous?" Ronnie inquired.

Finnick just chuckled and turned to talk to Mags.

"Uh..... I.... I don't...." I didn't have a clue what to say.

Was I nervous? Yes.
But did I want to show it? No.

So I just shrugged.

Ronnie rolled her eyes and went back to looking out of the window.

We were currently in the living area of the train, we had all got ready and we're now waiting, for what seemed like forever, to get to The Capitol (Or as Finnick liked to call it: Satan's Palace.)

He hated that place, you could tell, and so did I.

I never wanted to go back there, but I had to.

"Oh! We're nearly there I can see it!" Ronnie clapped her hands excitedly.

"Great." I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose, I didn't wanna do this today.

"Are you alright dear?" Ronnie raised her eyebrows.

"Oh yeah, yeah. Just a headache." I shrugged her off,
I didn't need her giving me advice on how to act.

I think Finnick knew I was kinda nervous, he had a sort of sixth sense about those things, and put his arm around me. I leaned my head into his chest and just tried to breathe for a moment.

"We're here! We've arrived! Come on up! Up! To the doors, they will be opening any second and we can't be late! Move!" She demanded whilst grabbing me and pulling me up. I glanced back with a look of disgust on my face. Finnick just followed behind with a smirk on his face.

"Getting into character are we?" I cocked my head as we raced down the hallway.

He narrowed his eyes and went to say something back but was interrupted.

"We don't have time for talking! Looks we're here now. Now shush both of you!" She told us sternly, she talked to us like we were children.

"Yeah Audrey." Finnick muttered and nudged my ribs with his elbow.

I rolled my eyes, maybe he was a child.

"Right, doors should open in a few seconds. Remember, big smiles, loads of waving. Just be yourselves, we'll Finnick be yourself. Audrey, try to actually look like you want to be here. I know your tactic is a little bit different this time but you still need to look good and happy." She patted my shoulder.

I glared at the door in front of me.
Who does she think she is?
I wasn't happy, nor did I want to be there.
Oh god if I had the chance I would've slapped her right across the cheek. Maybe then she wouldn't need all that blush.

My train of thought was interrupted by the doors making a funny noise.

Finnick took my hand and gave it a quick squeeze before the doors started to open.

I exhaled and plastered the best smile I could muster on my face.

And then, they were open.
The Capitol was there.
I hated it already.

It was just how I remembered it, if not worse.
Loads of people in flamboyant clothes and wigs and makeup that I just wanted to punch.
Cameras everywhere flashing to try and get the best photo.
And the red carpet, there for us to walk down like celebrities, except we were about to die.

Me and Finnick held hands tightly as we stepped off the train and onto the soft ground.

Red ropes held people back from rushing forward to touch us or interrupt our walk of fame.
Our sixty seconds of glory before it all came crashing down.

I didn't bother posing for the cameras, I just held the sweetest smile I could and walked down as quick as possible.

Finnick did have to stop a few times but I just waited for him.

The noise was deafening.

People shouting things like,
"Over here Finnick!"
"Look here!"
"Stop holding hands and pose nicely!"
"Omg it's Finnick Odair!"
"That's her, she volunteered for that crazy girl."
"I love you so much!"
"Please win Finnick!"

My eyebrows furrowed as I started to walk faster, I just wanted to get out of there.

Finnick walked close beside me and, as we reached the final building, we both turned and waved.
Then, we quickly walked into the building and shut the door.

I exhaled heavily and rubbed my temples.

"Well, I think they liked us." Finnick shrugged.

"Let's hope so." I laughed and looked around.

We were in the exact same building I had been the first time. But this time it felt odd, different.

"That was fabulous!" Ronnie came flouncing out of a room and I furrowed my eyebrows, how did she get there?

"Just grand. Now, things are a bit different this year, it is a quarter quell after all! Your going straight to your stylists and then to the opening ceremony. You can be in your rooms after." She explained.

I sighed, I didn't have the energy for this.

"Come on then! To the stylists." She marched off and gestured us to follow behind. Thankfully she didn't drag me that time.


Sitting in a chair with only a robe on, my whole body felt sore. I had just been through an hour of plucking, waxing and stretching and now I felt dead.
I shivered whilst waiting for my stylist, it wasn't necessarily cold, I just was a bit anxious.

"Hello dear." A voice came from the doorway and, when I looked round to see who it was, the corners of my mouth turned up into a smile.

"Asia!" I ran and hugged her.

"Hello again Audrey. Well, you've grown. You nearly look like a young lady! How old are you now? Sixteen?" She asked softly.

"Fifteen." I nodded.

I thanked the lord that I wasn't sixteen yet. It was kind of the age where your turned into an adult. People started viewing you as not so innocent anymore. I was on the verge of that and I remembered what President Snow had said when he paid me a visit after my games.

"Now, Miss Ledger. I have a special job for you to do, not now but in a few years. The day after you turn sixteen, you will come to the Capitol and I will tell you what this job is." He smiled menacingly.

I shivered at the memory. He didn't tell me exactly what the job was but I had a pretty good idea and it wasn't good.

Maybe going back into the games had its benefits after all, I would die before I could live that life.
It was a bittersweet thing.

"Audrey? Are you okay?" Asia's voice snapped me out of my daze and I looked up at her.

"Oh yeah, sorry I zoned out." I apologised.

"It's alright darling." She rubbed my arm.
"Now, how about we get to work?" I nodded and she led me back over to the chair.

Once I was sat, I said, "Right, do your thing."

She smiled at me in the mirror, "I'll try."

And with that she got to work.

Authors note:
This was kind of a filler chapter so sorry if it's a bit boring.
But the next one is the opening ceremony which means we're gonna meet the tributes!
Katniss, Peeta and Johanna!
Ugh they're all my faves.

Also the trailer for TBOSBAS came out and I'm so excited!
Who wants to come watch it with me?

My exams are getting closer and closer omg 😭
My first one is on Wednesday.
I reckon we'll get one more chapter in before then and then I probably wont be posting till the weekend.
I have one on Wednesday and one on Friday so the chapter after the next one will be out Sunday I reckon?
But you do have one more to look forward to before that.
Have a good day guys!
Thanks for reading :)

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