Part One - Chapter Thirteen: Across the border.

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The next morning we woke up hot and sweaty. It had been pretty cool at night but the sunlight brought heat. Lots of heat.

Before we even started walking, most of our water was gone. We were tired, thirsty and starving. We knew there would be pretty much no food in the sector we were in so the only decision was to make our way toward the beach where I could fish.

It was a risky thing to do, but we had no other choice. We needed food.

Even though I had slept the night beforehand, when we starting walking, my legs were already aching and  my back was killing me as well. I think I had injured it whilst running away from that black wispy stuff.

"You okay?" Fawn asked with concern in her eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine." I carried on walking. I couldn't imagine how she was feeling so I didn't want to complain.

She rolled her eyes and nudged me with her elbow.
"Your not, I can tell."

She always knew when something was wrong.
"It's okay, I'm okay."

"Sure? We can stop for a minute, we have been walking for a few hours." She pointed out.

"Nope I'm good, unless you wanna stop." I said, I didn't want her to be tired.

"Well then, onward to the land of sea creatures and tributes." She pointed and linked arms with me, marching forward.

I smirked and let her drag me.

About an hour later, we had actually stopped to sit on a few rocks that we came across. The border was just in sight.

Thankfully, we had had another sponsor, this one from Johanna which surprised me. She sent us a bottle of water each and a note that said: The careers are in the desert sector so be careful. They are getting annoyed with each other so it will be easy to pick them off. Stay together and stay alive.

"Okay so how do we get the careers?" Fawn asked.

"What?" I was confused.

"What's the plan to get them gone?"

"Ohhh, I don't know." I admitted.

"Me either. It needs to be really well thought out." She chewed on her bottom lip as she thought.

"Well, they have the upper hand. They know the sector and they have really good weapons." I pointed out.

"Maybe we could use that to our advantage." Her eyebrows furrowed as she thought.

"How do you mean?"

"Well, they probably think they are really safe and that no one would dare to attack them. But what if, in the middle of the night, we pick them off one by just throwing our weapons from behind a rock or in a tree." She explained.

"But surely one of them will be on watch." I told her.

"Yes well, how about one of us distract the watcher, and the other get the two that are sleeping." She shrugged.

"Okay, I'll distract, you kill." I nodded.

"No no no. No way." She shook her head vigorously.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You have all the good weapons for killing from afar, I only have one axe whilst you have like twenty knifes." She told me.

"Yes but-" I went to say something but she interrupted me, she did that a lot.

"I'm distracting, your killing. End of." She raised her eyebrows.

"Okay but what happens if the person catches you?"

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