Part Two - Chapter seven: None of us wanna do this.

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I stood in line next to Finnick, waiting for my turn to be interviewed by Caesar.

I was wearing my dress I wore before but this time it had been spiced up a bit. My neckline was lower, which I was a bit uncomfortable with but Ronnie had told me to suck it up cause the Capitol would love it. So, I had rolled my eyes but given up protesting.
The dress was still the same fading blue and it had pearls as well, but it was tighter and more fitted. I wore more jewellery as well. My makeup was heavier this time, it made me feel more mature... but also odd, like they were trying to make me seem older and more grown up now. I had frowned as I looked in the mirror and rolled my eyes before being pulled to backstage by Ronnie.

I felt someone nudge me in the ribs with their elbow, I looked up to realise it was Finnick. He looked at me with a concerned look, "You okay?" He asked.

"Hm? Yeah I'm fine... just thinking..."

"About...?" He nodded for me to carry on.

I shook my head, "Doesn't matter... Don't worry about it..."

"But I do worry..." He said as he sighed.

I brushed him off, "You shouldn't, I'm fine Finnick."

"Well I do, cause your not fine and someone needs to look out for you so it might as well be me." He shrugged and turned back to watch the person who was being interviewed.

I smiled slightly, although I had tried to lie about how I was 'fine', Finnick had seen right through me. He always did. It was nice though, it showed he cared.

A few minutes later, I was shocked to find out I was the next to go onstage. I was getting slightly panicked as I hadn't thought at all about what I was gonna say.
I felt Finnick grab my shoulders and turn me to look at him.

"Audrey listen to me, everyone has been trying everything they can to stop these games. None of us wanna do this. I don't want you to focus on that. Focus on yourself, the likelihood is that these games will go ahead and, although I'll be there with you, we can't predict what's gonna happen and your gonna need sponsors. Your gonna be fine, the crowd love you, you can do this, yeah?" He spoke and I nodded.

"Yeah... yeah okay... I'll try..."

"You've got this." He said and I smiled at him.

Suddenly my name was being called and I was onstage.

"Here she is Ladies And Gentlemen! The pearl of the Capitol! My god isn't she gorgeous!" Caesar introduced me and I tried to smile as convincingly as I could as I walked out.

"Audrey hello!"

"Hi Caesar..." I nodded a hi to him.

"Before we get into anything, can I just say how lovely your looking?"

"Oh... thank you..." I just try to smile and nod as I can be quite awkward in situations like this.

"I mean you've definitely grown up from the last time we saw you... how old are you now?"

"Uh fifteen..."

"Fifteen! Well your a young lady now... and that dress certainly shows it..." He adds and chuckles as the crowd laugh and whoop.

"Oh... yeah I suppose..." I chuckle nervously. I hate this... I just wanted to leave. I tried to remember what Finnick had said though. And he had been right, I did need sponsors. So I sat up straight and tried to look like I was having the time of my life.

"So... although you may not look as sweet and innocent as you did last time, you are the youngest tribute this year... by two years. How are you feeling going in knowing your facing up against fully grown adults?" He leaned in, intrigued.

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