Part One - Chapter Eight: The interview.

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The next few days of training flew by in a flash and suddenly it was the night of the interview. I was currently with Asia whilst she got me ready.

"Now, it's time to get your dress on. Your makeup is done I just need to touch up your hair and then you will be ready!" Asia explained.

I nodded as she went to get the dress.

It was all too real now.
Tomorrow I was going into the hunger games.
Tomorrow my life would be put on the line.
And for what?
For some entertainment?
Good TV?
It was bullshit.
But it was real.
Tomorrow I could be dead.
And there was nothing I could do about it.

I was pulled from my thoughts when Asia came back in carrying my outfit.

"You said that you were going for sweet and innocent so I decided to enhance that. This dress doesn't show much but it looks gorgeous, and so will you." She stated.

I slipped the dress and some shoes on and walked toward the mirror. Once I caught sight of myself my eyes widened. I was pretty. Not just pretty, beautiful.

The dress had a fading blue running down it starting with light blue at the top and, when it reached the bottom, royal blue down by my knees. Pearls were sewn in all over it. It was simple yet a statement. I loved it.
"Thank you Asia it's amazing." I thanked my stylist.

"Oh dear, anything for you." She smiled and winked at me.
"Now just let me finish your hair." She instructed.

I sat down and she immediately got to work. Plaiting and brushing for what seemed like hours until, finally, she was finished.

"Done!" She clicked her knuckles and nodded.

I looked at my hair. The top was plaited normally but, as it ran further down, it faded into normal waves of hair. I don't know how Asia did it.

Then, Ronnie came flouncing into the room.
"It's time to go dear! Well, you look positively beautiful." She complimented when she caught sight of me.

"Oh, thanks." I thanked her awkwardly.

"Darling, now is no time to be awkward! You have to get out there and own that stage! The crowd will love you for it." She advised strongly.

"Okay." I agreed quietly.

"Come on then!" She grabbed my arm and dragged me out and toward the backstage area where all the tributes were waiting around for their turn to shine.

I scanned the room, looking for someone in particular. Then, we locked eyes. I smile immediately became present on both of our faces as we walked quickly toward each other.

Once we met, she pulled me in for a hug and I relaxed into it.

"Hi." She greeted. "You look really nice." She complimented me.

"So do you." I said back.

Mine and Fawns friendship had grown a lot over these few days of training.

"Well, my stylist just won't get over the idea of trees." She complained.

"I wear everything associated with water." I tried to make her feel better.

"Yeah but at least water makes you look good. It makes your eyes and hair stand out! All my features just blend in with the brown of the bark." She said and I blushed at the compliment.

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