Part Two - Chapter Three: Train to hell.

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We sat at the table in the dining room of the train.
I sat exactly where I had the first time, except Finnick was next to me, Mags was opposite him and Ronnie was at the head. There was an empty seat across from me.

I stared out the window of the train ahead of me and sighed, a permanent look of worry in my face.

I felt a nudge from Finnick and looked over.

He raised his eyebrows as if to ask if I was okay.

I just nodded and went back to eating my food.
Well, I say eating. It was more me pushing my food around the plate as I felt too sick to eat anything,

"Audrey? Aren't you going to eat anything?" Ronnie inquired in a high voice.

I shrugged, "I'm not that hungry really."

"Alright." She said and huffed.

I rolled my eyes.

I didn't want to be there.

The rest of that evening consisted of us talking about our plan for the games.

I couldn't believe we were really doing this.
I couldn't believe we were back there.
I couldn't believe any of it.
But it was real.


That night I lay in bed, staring at the wall.
I couldn't sleep.
I didn't know if I was too scared or genuinely wasn't tired.
But I didn't wanna have a nightmare.
That would have been embarrassing.

So my brain forced my eyes to stay open, no matter how much they protested.

God I hated those stupid bad dreams.
They came at the worst times and we're about the most awful things that I never wanted to relive.

I would often force myself to stay awake at night so they wouldn't happen, but I had to fall asleep sometime.

And when I did that night, the dreams started off relatively normal.

I was on the beach at district four, the water crashing against the sand and the birds singing.
But in the distance, stood a figure.
I couldn't make out who they were as they looked blurry and fuzzy.
I squinted my eyes to try and get them to focus but it wasn't working.

Suddenly the beach changed, I was sitting in the beach sector in the arena.
I only then realised how similar the two places were.
I looked around, the figure was still there.

Then, they came into view, clear and bold.
It was Fawn, of course it was. Who else would it be?

She stood there with a blank expression on her face.
Until she suddenly let out a cry of pain and fell to the ground. Clutching her stomach, she shouted,
"Audrey! Audrey please! Help me!"

I stood up fast and started running toward her.
But with every run, I got nowhere.
It was like I was running on the spot.
I tried desperately to reach her as she screamed but I couldn't.

Then, I was there, holding her in my arms as she held a face of agony.

"Fawn, it's okay I'm right here." I reassured.

"This is your fault." She said.

"What?" I was confused.

"It's your fault I'm dead. It's your fault I'm not here. It's your fault, all of it." She told me.

"No, no I tried! I tried to save you! I did." I pleaded.

She just shook her head.
"You did this. I hate you." And with that she died, right in my arms.

"No please! I didn't mean for any of this to happen I swear! I didn't want you to die!" I started crying.

"Fawn I'm so sorry." I held her.

My eyes shot open as I sat up fast.
Breathing heavily I clutched the sheets of the bed in my hands and looked around.
I was in my room on the train.
I wasn't in the arena.
Or with Fawn.
None of that had been real.

I tried to calm my breathing down but ended up only making it worse.
I couldn't breathe.
My chest was tightening and I was panicking.
I clutched my chest to try and get it to loosen but it just squeezed harder.

Suddenly, my door burst open.
I looked up to see Finnick rushing over to me.
"Audrey breathe. It's okay, your okay, I've got you.
Just copy me. In and out yeah? In and out, that's it. Just breathe." He sat in front of me and held my hands whilst demonstrating what I needed to do.

Once I had calmed down, I felt my chest loosen and I could finally breathe again.

"You alright?" He asked concerned.

"Yeah yeah, just a nightmare." I explained.
"I hope I didn't wake you."

"No no, I was up anyways. Was it the games or Fawn?" He inquired

"Both I guess." I shrugged.

"Oh Audrey." He wrapped his arms around me and I cling onto him for dear life, like if I let go I was gonna fall to my death.

"Do you want me to stay?"

"No, it's okay. I'll be fine." I shook my head.

"Sure? Cause if you want me to I can." He told me.

"It's alright." I said.

"Okay, well if you need me, come and get me. I'll just be in my room." He started to get up.
"Night Rheya, I hope you sleep well." And with that he left and shut the door quietly behind him.

I stared at the door for a moment before laying back down. I didn't know what to do. I was back to the situation I had been in earlier that night.

I wanted to sleep but I was too scared. It was stupid really. I was being silly. Also, I was really tired and we were gonna be at the Capitol the next day so I needed to get at least a few hours of sleep.

I weighed out the pros and cons and decided to at least try and get some sleep, even if it was only a bit.

So, I exhaled, shut my eyes and tried to think about things that made me happy.

Soon I drifted off into a sleep.

Good or bad?

I couldn't know.

Authors note:
Kind of a short chapter tonight but I'm really tired and need to go to sleep.
You may think this is similar to the train ride in part one but I literally couldn't think of anything else to do.
The whole Capitol part is gonna be completely different though so you can look forward to that.
Audrey and Finnick are so cute I love them.

Ugh I literally did homework all day today.
I just can't be bothered anymore 😩
Anyways I hope you had a better day than I did.
Thanks for reading :)

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