Part One - Chapter Twelve: What the games have in store.

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The next two days after that we're not too bad, apart from the fact that we were in the hunger games I guess, as we just collected supplies.

Thankfully, Finnick sent me my first ever sponsor gift which was a medical kit for my leg. That was healing nicely from the cream I was given and I could properly run again.

But there were no more attacks from tributes and we hadn't been in any real danger for a while, so I knew something would be coming. I felt it.

The third day after the attack, me and Fawn were sitting in the cave, we hadn't moved because there would be no point, and discussing what to do next.

"I say we wait it out." She shrugged.
"Let them come to us and, when they do, we'll be ready."

I nodded, "Sounds good."

Everything seemed to be going okay.
But nothing can be okay for long.


The next day we were lying in the cave.
The fallen tributes had just finished showing against the arenas dark sky and we looked at each other.
Crimson was still alive, so were two of the career pack. It was odd, normally most of the careers stayed alive until near the end, but half of them were gone already.

There were only ten of us left. That was odd as well. The tributes seemed to be dying pretty quickly that year and yet me and Fawn hadn't come across anything really too dangerous. Thoughts swam around my head fast and I just kept thinking: what could the game makers have in store for us?

I didn't know at that time that I would find out very soon.

It was my turn to stay awake and so Fawn, whilst putting up a protest, laid down to sleep. We normally slept and sat close together in case anything happened.

A few hours into the night, I was sitting in silence, alert and ready for any threat.
Or so I thought.

Suddenly I heard it.
A whisper.
My head snapped up as my ears were filled with the sounds of people I knew and loved.
Archer was first.

He was telling me to do things.
Things like: Leave the cave, abandon Fawn or even kill her.
I knew that couldn't be him. There was no way.

Then Finnicks voice came from in the darkness.
He told me the same just louder.

The voices grew in sound to the point where they were actually shouting.

Fawn woke with a start and looked around, frantically trying to find who (or what) was making that awful sound. Her family members were shouting too. They sounded angry, desperate and demanding. It was awful.

The sound pierced our eardrums as we looked at each other in panic.

"What are they?" I asked with wide eyes.

"I don't know but we need to go now." She started packing our stuff up as the sound grew larger and larger.

I helped her get everything into the backpack as she was struggling to roll up the sleeping bag. The sound was making us both tremble and I had trouble picking up my knife belt.

Once we had everything we ran out of the cave as quickly as possible. The sound carried on for a moment but then, suddenly, it all stopped.

It became silent, too silent.

Like the calm before the storm.

We froze and looked around for potential threats.

There was nothing there.

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