chapter 6: pub madness

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"I can't believe this is happening," Chad muttered, shaking his head.

He laid part of his weight on the pool stick, staring at the rapidly moving billiard balls clash against each other.

They all lounged around the pool table, trying to blow off some steam from the emotional gathering they just had at the hospital. The loud cacophony of the pub temporarily drowning out their worries, but they remained unrest.

"I know," Mindy replied, slipping her arm through her brother's and squeezing it.
"But we have to stay strong for Tara. She needs us right now."

When Amber initiated a new game, the balls bounced around. Some found their way into pockets, going in Amber's favor. She grinned, feeling good about the shot. Mindy, scowling at the good break, held a cue.

Wes leaned on the pool table, his fists clenched tightly to the sides. He couldn't shake the feeling that they were all in danger, that Ghostface was still out there, watching their every move.

"We have to catch whoever did this," Y/N said, her voice firm, leaning on the pool table as she watched Mindy's turn.
"We can't just sit around and wait for them to strike again." She sounded like such a hero.

"But how do we even catch a Ghostface?" Liv asked, her eyes darting nervously around the table.
"I's Ghostface!"

"We start by piecing together what we know," Mindy said, her eyes glowing.

She was the expert with these things with all the hundreds of horror movies she's seen and the knowledge of them that she had.

"We know that Ghostface was wearing a mask. We know that they attacked Tara. We know that they're dangerous and that they could strike again at any moment."

"So what's our next move?" Chad asked, excitedly rubbing his hands together.

Mindy continued, "We need to find out who had a motive to hurt Tara, and we need to track them down before they can hurt anyone else."

"But how do we do that?" Y/N asked, her brow furrowed.

"We have to revisit the Stab movies, of course," Mindy declared, grinning from ear to ear. That earned groans from everyone around the room.

"Sorry I couldn't make it," Liv piped in, trying to change the subject.
"Practice and all. But how did the visit go?"

Scoffing, Amber replied, "Horrible. Sam came and she brought her creepy boyfriend."
Her arms were crossed as she balanced most of her weight on one leg.

Y/N did not take too kindly to her girlfriend's remark.
"Stop shitting on him so much. I mean sure he's a little funny looking-" She ended her sentence with a short giggle. Her sudden change of opinion on the guy made everyone around the table laugh.

"Oh wowww, babe. What a hypocrite," Amber chuckled, walking over to her girlfriend's side of the table and bumping her shoulder.
Everyone joined in with the laughter, taking the ease off of the situation.

Trying to calm down from her fit of laughter, Y/N uttered, "Butttttt, even if he is funny looking, I'm sure he's a nice guy and there's a reason Sam likes him."

"Who's Sam?" Liv asked, her head slightly tilted.

Chad used the cue to prop himself up, waiting for his turn.

"She's Tara's sister, babe. Man, she is so cool."

Chad went back to watching Wes try to hit the ball, his face concentrated.

"Yeah she is pretty cool." Mindy nodded in agreement.

Amber had her eye on the ball, but she sadly missed her shot. Mindy smirked, lining up hers.

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