chapter 30: angel

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Y/N had finally arrived home after a long and exhausting flight

Jet-lagged and desperate to see Amber, she didn't waste any time making her way to her girlfriend's house.

The anticipation of reuniting with Amber filled her with excitement and longing.

She had been looking forward to seeing Amber again, but as she approached her girlfriend's house, a sense of unease gnawed at her.

Something felt off, and the sight that greeted her as she opened the front door confirmed her worst fears.

The living room was in disarray, beer bottles and empty glasses scattered across every surface.

The curtains were drawn, casting a gloomy pall over the room.

The air was thick with the smell of alcohol, and it was clear that a wild party had taken place here.

"Amber? Are you home, baby?" Y/N called out as she entered the house, her voice echoing in the empty hallway.

There was no response.

"Amber?" Y/N called again, growing increasingly anxious.

She made her way upstairs, searching for any sign of her girlfriend.

"Amberrr," she called, her voice tinged with concern.

Y/N's heart sank when she reached the bathroom door that was slightly cracked open.

She kicked a beer bottle that lay at the doorway, and it clinked loudly.

She pushed the door open and froze in shock at the sight before her.

Amber was in the bathtub, the water still running, and empty bottles of alcohol littered the floor.

She was passed out, her face pale, her breathing slow and irregular.

Y/N's heart raced as she rushed to Amber's side, shaking her gently.

"Amber? Holy shit. Amber? AMBER!"

Amber stirred groggily, her eyes unfocused as she looked up at Y/N.

"Are you real?"

She was staring at the girl like she was witnessing an angelic being before her.

"Oh my god," Y/N whispered, her eyes filling with tears as she pulled Amber into a tight embrace.

"What did you do, angel?"

Amber's voice trembled as she spoke, her words slurred.

"I-I thought you weren't coming back. And this was your way of breaking up with me."

Y/N's heart ached as she realized the depth of Amber's despair.

"My love, I would never break up with you. Never."

Amber's voice wavered as she spoke again.

"Even though I'm a monster?"

Y/N cupped Amber's face gently, her eyes filled with love and understanding.

"You're not..." She shook her head.
"You're not a monster, sweetheart."

Amber's eyes welled up with tears as she clung to Y/N.

Her fingers dug into Y/N's bicep but the other girl didn't care.

She hugged Amber as tight as she could.

"I love you, Y/N. So much."

Y/N held Amber even closer, her voice filled with resolve.

She missed her girlfriend terribly but Amber had it worse.

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