chapter 13: library book

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The days had returned to normal or as normal as it's gotten since the beginning of the Ghostface attacks; the occasional pranks where some douche dressed up as Ghostface and taunt the student would still occur regardless of the announcement the principal made over the intercom, reminding students to be sensitive and respectful towards one another, especially after the recent events. Teenagers were just assholes.

This was the only class that Y/N didn't have with anyone from the group. She had only remembered Amber's schedule by heart and right now she was in English.

The last bit of Biology was finishing up and Y/N was having a hard time focusing for some reason. It was probably just an off day.

Y/N was packing up her things, ready to leave and join the rest of the herd exiting the classroom, when she heard a voice behind her.

"Excuse me, Y/N. Can I talk to you for a moment?"

It was Xavier, one of Chad's teammates.

Y/N turned around, raising an eyebrow at the unexpected interruption.

Although Xavier was in her year, they only shared one class, so his request caught her off guard.

"Sure, what's up?" Y/N asked politely, hoisting her bag back up on a shoulder.

She didn't have much time, Amber was waiting for her out in the hall.

"I was wondering if you could help me study for our upcoming test. I'm really struggling," Xavier said, looking hopeful.

This approach took her by surprise. His hopeful expression made her feel a twinge of sympathy.

He seemed genuinely in need of help, and Y/N had always been someone who was happy to assist others.

However, she had to be extra careful now with people she interacted with.

She studied his appearance for a quick second. All she was able to make out was the heavy and dark eyebags that contrasted to this pasty complexion and blonde hair that fell in his face.

Compared to Chad, he seemed harmless. Don't get it wrong, Chad was an absolute teddy bear but they had different builds and looks. Xavier was a string bean who looked like he couldn't hurt a fly.

Y/N hesitated for a moment before agreeing, dipping her head into a nod.

"Sure, I can help you out. How about we meet at the library later after school?"

"Perfect. Thanks, Y/N. You're a lifesaver." Xavier's smile widened, revealing a set of perfectly white teeth.

Y/N made her way out of the classroom and into the hall, ready to meet up with Amber, completely unaware of the way Xavier was watching her go.

Y/N spotted her girlfriend leaning against the lockers, twiddling with her phone.

Only looking up when Amber felt a presence near, her eyes lit up as she caught sight of Y/N.

Y/N's mood instantly became much better to see her, it's like she didn't need her matcha frappe to stabilize her anymore.

Giddily squealing, Y/N picked up pace towards her. Amber hoisted her bag on her shoulders and readied herself to catch Y/N who practically fell into her harms, grinning goofily by her antics.

"Hey sweetie," Amber said with a wide smile, twirling her around for a full rotation.

A few passerbys glanced at them. Some were completely confused when realizing that it was them since word still hadn't traveled to some parts that they were together.

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